P.J. Garst hired as the JC solid waste director

Jewell County Commissioners

The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept. 25. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie and Carla Waugh, county clerk, were present for the meeting.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Alexandria Pierce, county attorney; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Carla Waugh, county clerk; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; and Travis Garst, solid waste director.

Chris Petet thanked Travis and PJ Garst for helping with the tree clean up in front of the courthouse.

Kevin Peroutek reported for the emergency management that he attended the KEMA conference as well as the sheriff. Kevin has a Homeland Regional Security Council meeting. He reported for the noxious weed department. He had sent out a registered warning letter for spraying and received a good response, Kevin continues roadside spraying.

Don Jacobs reported he attended the KEMA Conference. They discussed supporting the movement of reinstating Ad Valorem Taxes back to the counties. Jacobs and some dispatchers attended the APCO training. They have five in jail. He discussed having a job shadow program for dispatchers.

Cindy Becker discussed the various meetings she attended. She is working on a grant for drug take back lock boxes for the health department and sheriff’s office.

Alex Pierce reported 226 traffic cases; 19 F&G cases; five CINC cases; and 25 criminal cases. She prepared a new burn resolution, researched a bridge issue and contacted a tax sale company.

Carla Waugh attended the abstract training session on Sept. 15. She also attended the multi-county meeting with the commissioners on Monday, Sept. 18. Carla Waugh and Myka Zadina attended the North Central County Clerk’s district meeting hosted by the Mitchell County clerk. The secretary of state provided an update on the Presidential Preference Primary (PPP) on March 19, 2024, for both Democratic and Republican parties. The PPP Election will have some different rules compared to other elections. The State of Kansas will help pay for direct expenses for the PPP Election. The Secretary of State has a grant available to assist counties with physical security of voting equipment. Carla said that Sept. 29 was the last day for real estate value changes as she will be working on certifying valuations and setting levies. Carla said she worked with many entities that have struggled through the RNR process.

Keith Roe also attended the multi-county meeting. He discussed the background of the ad valorem tax program.

Ed Duskie attended the multi-county meeting and has been looking at county roads.

Brent Beck said he attended the multi-county meeting as well. He said Jewell County hosted the juvenile detention center meeting.

The commissioners will be opening bids for maintenance on the new courthouse lawn. The commissioners have worked with Alex Pierce and Joel Elkins on a bridge issue. They were also currently interviewing for a solid waste director.

Travis Garst, solid waste director, said he has been working on roofing estimates for hail repair. He also had been closing out reports for the new director and working on equipment.

Jacobs discussed allowing ag students to disassemble emblems and lights on the patrol vehicle.

A bid from Cottonwood Restoration LLC. for hail repair for solid waste for a total of $200,000.00 was approved.

Cindy Becker requested an executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed with no action taken.

The hiring of Champ Software for the billing program in the Jewell County Health Department for a total of $5,129 was approved.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road and bridge maintenance.

Kirby Fox, Lock-IT Technologies, answered the commissioners questions about IT services they provide.

The commissioners accepted the bid of $20,185 from M&M Lawn Care for lawn maintenance services for the period of Sept. 25, 2023, through Nov. 1, 2024.

The Jewell County commissioners held a special meeting to interview applicants for the solid waste director. P.J. Garst was selected as the Jewell County Solid Waste Director.


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