Keenagers enjoy potluck dinner and homemade ice cream

Eighteen Keenagers and three workers were in attendance at the potluck dinner on Thursday, Sept. 21. Sandra Carpenter brought homemade ice cream again. And again all who were present enjoyed and appreciated the gesture. Birthday people this month were Jeanine Schendt, Father Hotovy, Cindy Troudt, Marilyn Svoboda, Don Mazour, Robert Himmelberg, John Hubl and Betty Himmelberg.

Door prizes went to John Hubl, scarecrow; Kay Theer, scarecrow; Patty Kucera, plastic container; and Rich Menke, brownie mix.

Bingo winners were high, Ray Rischling and low, Kathy Rischling. Card winners were high, Helen Kohmetscher and low, John Hubl.

The next Keenagers gathering will be Thursday, Oct. 19. Marilyn and Cindy will serve pancakes, sausage and juice. You do not bring anything. Come for good food, friendship and a fun afternoon. Hope to see you Oct. 19!


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