
Standing in line . . .

We’ve all stood in line for something over our lives: going to a movie . . . to a sporting event . . . even in school for lunch . . . for many things.

How many of you have ever stood in line to go to church ? ? ? I mean for something other than attending the church’s dinner.

In the past several weeks I’ve been in one such line and heard of another. That’s certainly not a bad thing, it was just a bit unusual.

The first occasion was attending a funeral in Deweese. We thought we left for the church in plenty of time and we’d beat the crowd . . . boy were we wrong. The line came out of the church and went back on the sidewalk to the parking lot.

The second occasion I was not present at, but heard of it from a visiting priest from Lincoln.

A relic from St. Jude is currently circulating in the United States and was in Lincoln last week at one of the Catholic churches. The priest wanted to pay his respects and pray at the relic and when he arrived at the church sponsoring the presentation of the relic, he saw a line that went 50 yards out of the door and went south on another sidewalk another 50 yards.

I thought about these unrelated occasions for a while and thought that praying for the soul of a local area resident and praying for the intercession of St. Jude for special intentions were both part of the same project . . . that of recognizing a power greater than ourselves, giving praise to that power and asking for favors from Him.

Considering all of the “news” we hear daily from the national media, one might come to the conclusion that the world is “going to hell in a hand basket” (using a quote from someone). However, seeing and hearing of people standing in line to go into a church gives me hope that maybe “we’re not going to hell in a handbasket” after all.

We have heard all the time how this culture of the 21st century is spending less time at church for prayers or any reason. Maybe that’s not true, especially when it comes to something really important.


Fake meat . . .

Maybe 30 or 40 years ago in a conversation about changes in farming, an area farmer made a comment that whenever science found a way to “grow” meat without cows, pigs or sheep, farming as we knew it then would certainly change.

Well, at that time and since, billions (I mean billions) of dollars have been invested in ‘non-meat, meat.’

According to a newspaper article I read last week, things are not going well for the ‘non-meat’ companies. One large company reported net revenue was off 31 percent and U. S. sales down 40 percent. Another company reported ‘refrigerated plant-based meat’ sales plummeted 14 percent. Plant-based burgers at restaurants and other food-service outlets were down 9 percent from three years earlier.

Seems that “real red meat” is not going away any time soon. However, neither is the “Veggie Gang.”

Until then, stop at Dick’s Place in Lawrence and have a Dam Good Sandwich, or at D and D’s Lyons Den in Nelson for any beef lunch or dinner you want.


Trans-gender . . .

Did you see, or hear about, the “Protests” in Lincoln over this past weekend?

Well, it seems that a law passed in the past Legislative session in Nebraska banned surgery and drugs for “children” (that would try to alter their gender). The law was to go into effect Oct. 1.

It seems that a good number of people object to this law passed with a huge voting majority. They used Sunday’s “Protest” as a way to bring their displeasure into the public view.

Seems it was a relatively peaceful protest and that group got their TV coverage and newspaper publicity.

Now what ? ? ?

I’ve read several news articles about this process of using surgery and drugs on children in Europe. Those people in Europe often do these things earlier or faster than we do here in the U. S.

What that means is that they already have a history of the effects these surgeries and drugs have on children.

That history has not been good.

A number of countries in Europe are in the process of changing this practice. And . . . it is not the governments that are prohibiting gender changing practices, it is the medical community. Seems that they are learning that such practices are not always the best way to go.

Many of our Democrats and Socialists are among those demanding we allow our children to be damaged with these surgeries and drugs. However, we now have a lot of evidence from Europe that just maybe what they want to do is not always the best route to go. Yet, their minds seem set and they will not change.

If it was not so serious, I might laugh when I heard those advocating transgender change for children when they call it “trans-gender care.” Using surgery and drugs to confuse children does not sound like “care” to me. There are better ways to handle these situations.


Politics . . . confused about all the charges against Donald Trump? Never hear much about the charges against Joe Biden?

Don’t be surprised.

It seems mostly the national media is hell bent to destroy Donald Trump by any means they can. Meanwhile they pretty much ignore any thing that may make the Biden family look bad.

For example, last week in the investigation of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, information was disclosed that some of the money Hunter acquired from foreign governments or entities, was used in what they called “human trafficking.”

In this case, as with most cases when the words “human trafficking” are used, what they are talking about is prostitution.

At this time I have not heard much from the national media about this bit of information and the Biden family.

Isn’t it interesting that the two leading candidates that might run to be elected president of the U. S. both have situations currently that could result in criminal charges?

Thirteen months until we vote. It may be boring, but it will be interesting.



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