L-N Raiders results for Adams Central XC Invite

Girls: 52nd - Kennedy Beale 27:31; and 63rd - Paige Huston 34:13. Maddi Kennedy did not finish.

Boys: 55th - Sawyer Cox 21:37

JH: (3K course - almost 2 miles-)

10th - Kali Cassell 14:03 (medal); 58th - Avery Ostdiek 20:44; 40th -Jaxen Vaughn 15:48; and 49th - Anthony Beale 17:37

Another great day of competition. The runners competed again Class A and B schools, for example, Hastings High and North Platte. Running at this meet is nice because this is where the districts will be held. The runners now know what the course is like. It's very flat and fast.

Sawyer continues to run faster. He broke his goal of breaking the 22-minute mark. Next goal, breaking 21 minutes. I enjoy watching some push himself to new boundaries.

Kennedy improved her time by almost 2 minutes. She is becoming a very fun runner to watch. She knows how to pace herself. Paige didn't have the best race of her season but was able to finish. She looks to improve in the next race.

The junior high runners ran great. Kali medaled for the second time this season (she has only run two races). Kali and Avery both do volleyball and cross country. Kali is great runner, who loves to compete. Jaxen, Anthony, and Avery continue to work hard and push themselves to do their best.

The Lawrence-Nelson Raiders competed at the Fillmore Central Cross Country Invite at Geneva last Thursday. The Geneva golf course is pretty flat and fast. The junior high boys started out by running good times. They did not officially time or place the race.

The high school girl's race was next. This meet has a lot of good, big teams. Kennedy got a side ache early in the race but was able to recover and finish strong. She continues to be a consistent runner each week. Paige was excited to be able to finish the race. This was her first meet ever.

The high school boy's race was last. Sawyer was only 3 seconds from breaking 22 minutes, a goal he has for himself. He has learned how to pace himself and find runners each week to run with and push himself.

Team results were:

Girls: Kennedy Beale 29:39, 60th;

Paige Huston 31:46, 63rd; Maddi Kennedy did not run.

Boys: Sawyer Cox 22:03, 77th

JH Boys (course was about 2 miles): Jaxen Vaughn 13:57 and Anthony Beale 14:52


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