Salem Women observe "God's Work, Our Hands"

A general meeting of the Women of Salem Lutheran Church was held on Sept. 20 in the church fellowship hall. The 2024 officers of the group were elected and will be installed at the Jan. 3 Epiphany Supper. They are: DeAnna Tuttle, president; Lexie Frahm, vice president; Murlene Schleufer, secretary, and Diane Gebers, treasurer. Committee members will be announced at the January meeting.

Following the business meeting, those present worked to carry out the “God’s Work, Our Hands” project of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA) by tying the quilts constructed by the sewing group. The quilts will be blessed at the November Thankoffering Service and then will be distributed to a charitable cause. In the past, quilts have been shipped to overseas countries struck by natural disasters as well as to local and regional areas in need of assistance.

The evening closed with a time of fellowship that included a traditional fall treat of apple crisp topped with homemade ice cream.


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