Commissioners attend multi-county meeting in Mitchell County

The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept. 18, with commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie, and Carla Waugh, county clerk, present for the meeting.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road and bridge maintenance. Brent Beck discussed Dennis Kennedy’s bridge concern.

The commissioners met at the west entrance of the courthouse to answer questions concerning the Lawn Maintenance Services RFP. Those present for the discussion were Lori Zadina, Brian Murray, Denny Murray and Chris Petet.

Travis Garst, solid waste director, said Cottonwood Restoration would be able complete the hail damage repairs.

Commissioners approved the motion to pass resolution 23-06 concerning changes to the permanent burn ban.

Special meeting were scheduled for Friday, Sept.22, and Tuesday, Sept. 26, for the purpose of conducting interviews for the solid waste director.

The commissioners and county clerk attended the multi-county meeting hosted by Mitchell County. Osborne, Smith, Jewell, Republic and Mitchell counties were all present for the meeting. Kyle Peterson, director of the Mitchell County Museum, presented background history on the museum collections. Phil Murrow, sanitarian, announced that a requirement of the LEPG agreement was to meet two times per year. He discussed various projects he had worked on in the different counties and the possibility of increasing permit fees. He also discussed an issue with an application in Republic County. After a long discussion it was moved by Craig, Osborne County commissioner, to issue the domestic permit for livestock to Wayne Pachta, Republic County. Mitchell County voted not to approve the motion with Jewell, Republic, Smith and Osborne counties voting yes to approve the motion. Motion passed.

The next meeting will be hosted by Osborne County.


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