May reopen Casey's truck entrance after Labor Day Holiday

Highway 14’s one-lane restriction over the Republican River has been removed as have the width and speed restrictions on the highway between Superior and Kansas. But that doesn’t mean construction related delays are over for this year.

Additional highway work is planned for the area this year and the timing may interfere with the fall harvest traffic.

Deep pothole repair is expected to start next week and asphalt resurfacing the second week of September.

That work is scheduled for portions of Highway 14 from the five-mile corner north of town to the stateline. Work is also planned on Highway 8 from Hartley east past the East Third Street businesses.

The paving, curb and gutter work on Fourth Street from Bloom Street west to the truck entrance into the Casey’s store is complete. If the results of tests taken this week are satisfactory, the street may be opened next week far enough to allow entrance to Casey’s truck island.

Yet to be finished is the Fourth and Dakota Street intersection.


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