Cowboy up - Hastings pro rodeo to include ranch bronc riding  

Ranch cowboys get their chance to shine at the Oregon Trail Rodeo in Hastings Friday through Saturday.

For the second year, ranch bronc riding will be one of the eight events featured at the rodeo.

And for Austin Rose, Blue Hill native, ranch bronc riding is a fun hobby.

A 2016 graduate of Blue Hill High School, Rose played high school football but wanted to get into rodeo.

Riding ranch broncs at the Webster County Fair in Bladen was a good start, he said. “I was wanting to get into rodeo and this was my stepping stone. It was an easy way to start.” He’s competed in Bladen three times.

He branched into bareback riding, competing in both the barebacks and the ranch broncs in regional rodeo associations: the Nebraska State Rodeo Association, the Mid-States Rodeo Association, and the Kansas Pro Rodeo Association.

An employee of Aurora Cooperative, work and the family farm kept him closer to home this year. In past years, he’s qualified for the finals in the regional associations.

Ranch bronc riding is a cheaper alternative to the rodeo events, Rose said. Most guys have their own saddle and only have to buy a halter and rein, and entry fees are cheaper, too. And there’s no need to haul a horse, like the roping, steer wrestling and barrel racing contestants.

It also gives Rose the thrill of competing. “I’ve always liked the adrenaline rush. It’s exciting, it’s something fun to do. You can blow a lot of steam off, and you meet a lot of people and see different places.”

Ranch bronc riding will be part of the rodeo Friday and Saturday. All three nights of rodeo will include mutton busting.


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