PEO Chapter J hears state and national PEO news

The June 26th meeting of PEO Chapter J was held at Salem Lutheran Church with Piper Hodge as hostess and Donna Jensen co-hostess. Chapter President Sue VanSkiver gave a report on happenings and events at the state convention in Kearney complete with a slide presentation of event social times as well as the business meetings.

The July 10 meeting was also held in the Salem Fellowship Hall with Terri Oltmans and Ruth Epley serving as hostess and co-hostess. Following the regular business meeting, discussions during social time included items that will be brought forward at the national convention and proposed changes to curriculum at Cottey College. In addition, the group was unanimously in favor of continuing to “adopt” a resident at the PEO Home in Beatrice following the passing of the previous adoptee.

The next meeting will be Aug. 21, and will feature a special program on Etiquette.


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