Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions

Q: Why did God tell Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar then tell him, “Never mind!” at the last minute? He already knew what Abraham would do, so what was the point?

A:  James offers a great explanation of Abraham’s sacrifice in James 2:21-24. Abraham’s act showed his faith by his works (James 2:18). He did what he did because he believed what he believed. And, in the words of James: “Faith was working together with his works, and by works, his faith was made perfect,” (James 2:22). “Perfect” in this verse means complete; Abraham’s faithful act confirmed and deepened his faith, which opened him up to exercise greater faithfulness in the future. The same process is at work in all believers; faith produces faithful works, which then strengthen our faith. Abraham came to understand God’s faithfulness far more deeply through the events of Genesis 22 than he could have known otherwise. In fact, in the Bible the word ‘to know’ can also be translated ‘to experience’.

We can also gain some insight on this from Hebrews 11; the so-called “Hall of Faith,” where great acts of faith are enshrined for us to learn from. In verses 17-19 the offering of Isaac is listed as one such act. Abraham, in Isaac, was offering back to God all the promises which God had offered him. He trusted God wholly and completely, believing God could fulfill His promises even when it seemed impossible. In fact, the author of Hebrews says Abraham “concluded that God would raise Isaac up from the dead” so that His promise could be fulfilled (Hebrews 11:19). Abraham was a little off in his prediction, but not by much!

While God did not require Abraham to go through with his commitment, the event still purified his faith and love for God and for his son (Genesis 22:11-12), and created a clear example for all generations of the benefits of whole-hearted faith. Abraham was rewarded accordingly (Genesis 22:15-18). God apparently felt these benefits were worth the process. And for what it’s worth; so do I!


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