USD 107 hires part-time elementary teacher

President Kenny Mizner called the Monday, June 12, meeting of the Board of Education for USD 107 to order. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Justin Angleton, Brenden Wirth, Bobi Fogo, Wayne Frost, Rex Boley, Sam Meyer (Zoom), Cassi Bozarth and Janet Higer. Guests present were Jeff Sells (Zoom) and Megan Duskie.

Summer projects have been started around the buildings and grounds. More of the bleacher boards have been replaced. The light projects at the junior-senior high are beginning. Sunshades and turf in the courtyard at the elementary are being installed. Insurance adjusters and a roofing company have assessed the damage from the hailstorm on the district building roofs.

Sam Meyer, 6 through 12 principal, reported Mrs. Walker’s technical writing class was award a Dane G. Hansen grant to purchase three circular tables and seats with matching umbrellas for an outdoor learning area.

Cassi Bozarth, Pre-K-5 principal, said the elementary students read more than 4,000 books during the school year.

Rex Boley, superintendent, said Alpha One is finalizing the electric sign installation. He reported the many accomplishmentsmade in the past three years.

Megan Duskie gave a presentation of her class’s business connection project, a lemonade stand.

Discussion items included elementary class size and classroom assignments. It was recommended by Mrs. Bozarth to hire a part-time teacher for the third grade class this year.

The KASB June updated board polices were approved as presented with the exception of JBCC, which was removed and tabled until August.

Junior-senior high school physicals are scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 2.

In action items, the Cloud County Community College-Dual Credit cooperative Agreement was approved.

The board approved to accept the Outdoor Learning Environment Grant of $4,043.79. The request to open an account for the incoming 6th grade and close the account for the outgoing seniors at the junior-senior high school was approved.

Rates for 2023-2024 Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance were approved.

The board approved the milk bid from Hiland Dairy, the surplus of old band polo shirts and the work comp renewal proposal from First Dakota Indemnity.

The board went in to executive sessions to discuss negotiations and contracts. They accepted the following resignations: Amanda Kendall, school nurse; Jenna Langer, 8-12 ag teacher and FFA advisor at the end of her contract; Wyatt Flinn as assistant high school football coach, effective at the end of his contract; and Zach Duffy as assistant high school golf coach at the end of his contract.

Wanda Hurd was hired as the junior-senior high school secretary.

Janice McMillan was offered a part-time elementary teaching position for the 23-24 school year.

The board approved to pay Zach Duffy both supplemental income for the junior high and high school summer weight programs.

The next special meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m., today (Thursday), June 22, in the board room of the district office.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, July 10, in the board room of the district office.


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