Rice to pastor Mankato and Smith Center UMC parishes

While the members of a majority of Jewell County’s United Methodist Churches, have voted to withdraw their affiliation from the United Methodist denomination, the members of Mankato’s Harmony United Methodist Church have voted to remain a part of the United Methodist denomination. By doing so, they believe they have affirmed their belief in the divinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that the Bible is the inspired word of God. United Methodists believe that none of us are worthy of salvation but are saved through the grace of God by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord.

Harmony had been yoked with United Methodist Churches in Jewell and Ionia but those congregations earlier this year voted to disaffiliate as have congregations at Burr Oak, Esbon and Webber.

Harmony will now be yoked with the Smith Center United Methodist Church. Pastor Jim Rice, who had been serving as the Harmony pastor, will continue to do so, only instead of living in Jewell and serving the Jewell and Ionia churches in addition to Mankato, he will be living in the Methodist parsonage at Smith Center and serving the Smith Center and Mankato congregations. The Harmony congregation earlier sold their parsonage to the Rock Hills School District.

Rice is no newcomer to Jewell County. He has served Jewell County churches for approximately 20 years. His first Sunday with the new charge will be July 2.

With the new arrangement changes , the time for Harmony’s morning worship service will be 9 a.m. A period of fellowship and Sunday School will follow.

Pastor Rice described Harmony as a small town church with traditional Christian beliefs. He said, “We want to welcome everyone who walks through our doors and love them like Jesus did. Harmony members believe they can continue to do a faithful ministry within the United Methodist Church.

“Even though disaffiliation of churches from the United Methodist Church is a sad moment, we respect those churches’ decision and we will still love them like brothers and sisters in Christ. have shaken things up, Harmony is embracing new opportunities and shaking things up a bit with a new service of 9 a.m. and a new emphasis on reaching out to the community. Harmony is excited about working with the Smith Center church.”


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