Harris purchasing property in Fairview division, Mankato

Bill Harris purchasing property in City of Mankato

The regular meeting of the Mankato City Council was called to order by Mayor Justin Schoonover June 7. Present were Mayor Justin Schoonover and councilmen Sam Becker, Kevin Ost, Rodney Payne, Lyle Dauner and George Hennion. Also present was Darrell E. Miller, city attorney, and Sharon McCormick, interim city clerk.

Visitors present were: Mark Fleming, Marvin McCormick, city employee; Jim Zadina, city employee; Kyra Lampe; Lisa Goodheart; Bill and Marianna Harris; Shelby Dennard; and Lori Zadina.

Bill Harris advised the council he and his wife were purchasing the property in undeveloped Fairview Addition to the City of Mankato. Mr. Harris requested the council vacate the streets and alleys in the addition. Miller, city attorney, presented Mr. and Mrs. Harris with a copy of the statute they will need to follow in order to petition the city council for vacation of the streets and alleys.

Kyra Lampe and Lisa Goodheart explained the benefits of Jewell County Community Development being approved for e-community status. Kyra and Lisa requested the council review the status of lease payments from the hay land for the years 2019, 2021 and 2023.

Lori Zadina, speaking for herself and other concerned citizens, discussed truck parking on West Webster Street. An extended discussion followed, including the review of the parking restrictions of the standard traffic code for small cities, which has been adopted by the City of Mankato. No action was taken.

Marvin McCormick, city employee, reported on electrical issues in the city and addressed the needs of the city to buy additional poles. No formal action was taken.

Jim Zadina, city employee, reported he had bought asphalt for street repairs and needed to buy additional asphalt. The council approved buying what asphalt was needed and could be paid for within the budget. Jim advised the council he had discussed with the county road supervisor trading use of the city rubber tire roller for the county hauling asphalt for the city. No formal action was taken but the council advised Jim that the arrangement appeared to be appropriate and in the best interest of both the city and the council.

The bill from Hall Brothers in the amount of $85,118.06 for asphalt purchased to repair city streets was approved.

The council then considered Ordinance No. 738, which had been prepared by the city attorney at the request of Jewell County Strong to rezone certain lands from residential to commercial for purposes of constructing the Fitness Center. Councilmen Dauner, Ost, Beck and Payne voted for the motion; Councilman Hennion voted nay. Councilman Hennion then asked if the matter could be discussed further, and a discussion ensued. After the discussion, Councilman Hennion requested the matter be voted on again. The motion passed unanimously.

The council had a discussion concerning the hiring of a city administrator. It was agree the city attorney would contact the Kansas League of Municipalities and arrange for a zoom conference at the July city council meeting.

The council then considered the building permit of Rodney Payne. It was approved with Councilman Payne abstaining.

The council discussed delinquent accounts.

The council discussed the heating unit at the community center. A bid by Mankato Plumbing and Appliance in the amount of $13,299 to replace the heating and cooling unit was approved.

The council discussed the memorial bench, which had been placed at the city park. No formal action was taken.

The council discussed the hail damage claim for the city’s property. Sharon McCormick, city clerk, advised the council that she had contacted the council’s insurance agent who had advised he would report the losses to the city’s insurance carrier and request an adjustor be assigned.

Because the next meeting date falls on July 4, it was agreed the meeting would be scheduled for 7 p.m., Tuesday, July 11.


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