Memorial Day gathering at the Jewell County Courthouse

The Mankato VFW Auxiliary read the following on the Jewell County Courthouse lawn during the Memorial Day Service.

We gather today to pay tribute and honor to those who gave their lives for their country.

The following lists are taken from the Department of Veterans Affairs "America's Wars," as of May 2021.

American Revolution (1775-1783)

Battle Deaths 4,435; last Veteran, Daniel F. Bakeman, died April 15, 1869, age 109.

Civil War (1861-1865)

Battle Deaths (Union and Confederate) 498, 332; last Union verified veteran, Albert Woolson, died Aug. 2, 1956, age 109; last Confederate verified veteran, Pleasant Crump, died Dec. 21,1952, age 104.

Spanish-American War


Battle Deaths 2,446; last veteran, Nathan E. Cook, died Sept. 10,1992, age 106.

World War I (1917-1918)

Battle Deaths 116,516; last veteran, Frank Buckles, died Feb. 27, 2011, age 110.

World War II (1941-1945)

Battle Deaths 405,399; Total U.S. Service members (Worldwide) was 16,112,566. VA estimates in 2021, there were only 226,756 living World War II veterans.

Korean War (1950-1953)

Battle Deaths 54,246; Total U.S. Service members (Worldwide) was 5,720,000. Estimated the number of living veterans in 2021, was 1,165,000.

Vietnam War (1964-1975)

Battle Deaths 90,220; Total U.S. Service members (Worldwide) was 8,744,000.

Desert Shield-Desert Storm


Battle Deaths 1,565; Total U.S. Service members (Worldwide)


Global War on Terror (2001- )

Battle Deaths to date 5,186; with on-going military presence around the world we will see this number rise.

Let us continue to pray for peace!


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