Love my crazy life

This weekend was a busy one. Jackson graduated from high school, which means we got one left! Let me tell you, I’ll take a small-town graduation over a city graduation any day. Six hundred students, give or take, plus add in parents, siblings, grandparents, family and friends, and holy cow, that was a full stadium. Their caps and gowns were red, and the thought that kept running through my mind as I was looking for Jackson was, “Where’s Waldo?”

It was a nice ceremony, and actually fairly short. That is if you don’t count the passing of the diplomas. As soon as the last student received a diploma, everyone headed to the exits. I felt like a cow being herded. I thought we would never get out of that place, but we did. We got a few pictures and then Jack asked if George and I wanted to go and get ice cream before heading to his house for the reception. We agreed to meet at the Dairy Queen near his house and headed off to find the car and attempt to get out of the parking lot.

His reception was held at his mom and stepfather’s home. It was a small cozy affair with family and close friends. It was nice to meet Jack’s friends, and his mom’s family. I have taken to calling her parents mom and dad, because I am terrible at remembering names. LOL! I bet they find that just a little weird, but I am who I am. I was on my best behavior and tried hard to curb my awkwardness, but one can only do so much. Thankfully, we had a long drive home and were able to excuse ourselves early, before I spontaniously combusted.

On Sunday, Robert asked if we could come and have brunch with him and his girlfriend. We hadn’t met her yet and for some reason my son believes he needs my blessing. Honestly, if he loves her, then I will too! So after the long day in Omaha on Saturday, we headed out again Sunday in the opposite direction. We met at his beloved’s home in Concordia. Nice short drive, thankfully. Oh my goodness, she is wonderful! Her name is Julia, and between you and me, I think she might just be the one. That is if she doesn’t turn crazy on him in the next month, or vise versa.

We had a really good time with the two of them. Robert made scrambled eggs, bacon and hashbrowns. He even got gluten free bread and made a fruit tray, doing his best to help me meet my dietary restrictions. They even got me my favorite gluten free and dairy free coffee from the local coffee shop. I hope this relationship works out for them both. Robbie has had a rough time in the dating game and deserves a win.

Monday went like any typical Monday. I knew it was going be rough when I couldn’t find my glasses and found them on my head first thing in the morning. I made it to the Memorial Day services at the Nelson Cemetary early and stopped by my grandparents’ graves and paid my respects. All the flags were out this year. They looked wonderful.

Just before lunch, I had some time with my new lifeguards going over a few things to help them with their test on Tuesday, and then home to work on the newspaper but, the pool went to down hill on us and I took a few hours trying to remedy that situation. I have no idea what time it is right now. It’s dark and peacful. I am enjoying the breeze as I sit on the porch and do my best to finish my day’s work. Pray for more rain. We need it, and I need a day off! LOL! X’s & O’s.


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