Love my crazy life

I had the strangest dream last night. I was sitting at my kitchen counter typing away like I always do. Then I got up from my chair and was standing on the pool deck, garden hose in hand, washing away. Mary, Kayrn, Marty, and Clinton, my coworkers from The Express, were all doing various pool duties, and Mary kept asking me what to do next. I then walked into the pool office, which became The Express office and started stuffing papers. I don’t even stuff papers in real life! I woke up exhausted!

It’s been a rough week, actually it’s been a rough several weeks. I got the yard mowed after it made it to about knee high. We will just say I was letting it seed itself! In all the chaos, I managed to forget I had an entire other yard to mow. The yard at our other house is bigger, but we managed to get it cleaned up. Fingers crossed we can keep it that way. The mower doesn’t much like going up the hills to get there, and there is no way I can push mow it.

George is back to work, I think he is happy to be, although he wouldn’t admit it. There is only so much of ‘me’ one person can take. At least I can admit that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a gem, one in a million, but I can be a ‘lot’! LOL.

It hasn’t been all work though, we have had some down time. We went to a friend’s house one eveing for a fire. I roasted hot dogs and marshmellows with the kids, I miss having kids home, so it was fun. The most fun part is, I now get to leave and someone else gets to put the littles to bed. I’m going to love the grandparent gig! Hopfully that’s not for a few years though, my boys don’t need babies yet! X’s & O’s.


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