Love my crazy life

The hubby has been home for two weeks now, recovering from parathyroid surgery. I’m proud to say I haven’t killed him yet. We still have a week to go, so time will tell. On a serious note, he is doing well, and I really don’t mind having him home. I may even miss him when he goes back to work.

I’ve been working on getting the pool up and going for the upcoming season, along with much help from my assistant manager and lifeguards. It’s been a chore. I have a love-hate relationship with the big beautiful tree on the west side of the pool. It keeps dropping its little seed pods in the pool and making a huge mess. I got tired of sweeping it, so the pool was filled last night for better or worse. Now I can skim the little buggers off the water and fight with plugged skimmers.

It’s weird not having my mini-me helping this year. He’s the reason I started working at the pool in the first place. Every year he would beg to go down and get started, well up until the last couple of years, that is. It wasn’t quite as much fun once he was old enough to actually be an employee. Still, I miss his shenanigans. I’m too serious without him.

Speaking of my mini-me, Jacob is doing well in school. Once he is done, he will only need a few gen-eds for his degree. I have no clue what his degree will be, but he will have one, which is cool. I don’t have a piece of paper to prove I know anything, and for some reason, that’s the proof the world wants these days. Here in just a short while, I’m afraid the world might find out just how much it needs us folks without a piece of paper proving our worth. We are becoming a minority.

Here’s to hoping George lives through the next week of staying home with me. He knew the risk when he married me, so technically, it’s his fault. He said this is a test run to see how retired life will be. One of us may have to work until death! LOL! X’s & O’s.


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