Commissioners hear request for funding

The Jewell County Commissioners met Monday, April 10. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie, were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, was also present.

Adam Harris, Jewell County Rural Water District operator, requested ARPA funding to help purchase equipment to reduce the expense of hiring outside contractors. He said he has been installing new meters with remote reading and making improvements to the system. He said the rural water district is pursuing the City of Mankato to purchase some water rights. Harris said the district goals are to provide new hookups, work on abandoned meter pits, own their equipment, to prevent and reduce water loss and have their own facility.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, reviewed the monthly activity report and billing report for March.

The commissioners went into executive session to discuss confidential data relating to financial affairs for 5 minutes with Shannon Meier present. When regular session resumed, the commissioners approved to write-off $7,694.64 for the first quarter 2023 for EMS. The commissioners went into a second executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with Shannon Meier present. Regular session resumed with no action taken.

Darren Booth, Theel Insurance & Financial Services, and a representative of Freedom Claims, reviewed a proposed medical plan design. He said the plan would maintain the current deductible, but would require employees to carry two cards, one from BCBS and one from Freedom Claims. Darren said this proposed plan would potentially result in savings.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road and bridge maintenance.

It was approved for the proper officer to sign the agreement with Visual Labs and Sheriff’s Office.

Brenda Eakins, treasurer, discussed personnel and defensive driving training.

The commissioners declared the DVACK’s Proclamation for the Month of April 2023 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Dixie Dethloff, clerk of district court, provided information for the Kansas Supreme Court’s special session in Concordia Tuesday, April 11.


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