Nuckolls County board buys stop sign package

Nuckolls Board

The Nuckolls County Board of Commissioners met at the county courthouse in Nelson Monday. All three commissioners were present.

The board approved submitted claims.

Cindy Buescher, executive secretary for the road department, reported the slow internet speed at the department office was interfering with basic business functions. The board approved up grading the speed. She advised the commissioners the state highway department was offering a bundle deal on stop and stop ahead signs. The bundle includes the signs, posts and reflector strips. The department is awaiting delivery of a new excavator.

Bobbi Petit, Five Rule Rural Planning, presented a 2023 comprehensive plan update. The update was a summary of the community engagement meeting held Tuesday, April 4, at the county fairgrounds.

John Hodge, county attorney, and Brad Baker, county sheriff, responded to concerns raised by some Superior residents which were directed to Jerry Grove, District 1 commissioner. The concerns revolve around the rising number of incidences of juvenile crime including the theft of four-wheel drive ATV vehicles, vandalism and drug use. Hodge walked the board through the legal side of juvenile court proceedings. He outlined the time between when a complaint is filed and following arraignments. The process is lengthy and probation is the usual first step in guilty cases. This constitutes a list of required and prohibited activities that the individual must follow. Should they fail to follow these standards, then a probation violation is filed. Punishment can range from the length of probation being extended to removal from the parental home. Hodge noted the majority of the cases filed with his office originate in Superior and appear to involve a limited number of repeat individuals.

Baker noted that his department is not the primary provider of law enforcement in Superior. His officers respond to activities they observe when passing through the city on their way to other communities. Hodge and Baker encouraged residents to look out for criminal activity and report it to 911.

Hodge advised residents that court sessions are open to the public. Those interested are welcome to observe the legal system in real time whenever county or district court is in session.

County court was not in session Monday because the public defender was unavailable. The session is scheduled for Monday.

The board will meet at 8:30 a.m., Monday, May 1, to approve claims. They will adjourn immediately afterwards. The board is scheduled to travel to Iowa and Illinois for tours of the John Deere manufacturing facilities.

The board will meet at 8:30 a.m., Monday, May 15.


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