
It wasn’t quite April yet, but the rain last Saturday was a welcomed event. In looking over the NRD reporting site, there was only two times we received an amount higher than Saturday’s rain. There was a rain in January equal to this one and then you had to go back to September 22 to find an amount higher.

April (in this case, March) showers will bring May flowers . . . I have some of those early spring flowers sprouting and hope this rain aids their growth.

Enjoy it and pray for more rain.


The following little quote was written about 25 to 30 years ago, but I want to bring it to your attention.

“The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.”

I bring this up this week to highlight activity in our own Nebraska Legislature over the past few weeks.

This year several Nebraska senators have undertaken the idea projected in the quote above. To summarize:

• The culture of abortion forced upon America in the last 50 years certainly didn’t make people feel good about themselves. Laws were proposed this year to severely limit abortions in Nebraska. (People don’t buy the abortion culture.)

• The culture of “gender identity” promoted by the Liberal Left included medication and surgeries on minor children as being “good.” Laws are being proposed that would limit such action until a person is at least 19 years of age as many people realized that it was not a good thing to allow minors (or their guardians) to further confuse such people. (Our culture protects children from many things, but the Liberal Left culture sees no reason to protect children when it comes to gender identity. I don’t buy that culture.)

• The last activity I bring up is a proposal sponsored by our own Nebraska Senator, Dave Murman of Glenvil. The bill would criminalize exposing anyone 18 or younger to a drag show in Nebraska. The bill defines “drag” as a performance by someone presenting a gender identity that is different than the performer’s gender assigned at birth. (Again, a culture that allows such a thing isn’t something I can buy.)

To connect these three (different, but connected) issues to the quote I started with is not difficult.

In spite of what the Liberal Left media would have you believe, many people in the United States are not comfortable with the culture America seems to be evolving into. The actions by the senators of introducing the measures listed above are maybe their reaction to “not buying it.” Seems to me they are merely trying to re-establish some of the culture America has lived with for the first 200 years of its existence.

The reactions from the Liberal Left is exactly what could be expected. They protested these changes. And that is their ‘Right.’ They also started a “filibuster” in the Nebraska Legislature against the abortion limiting bill. The Liberal Left is saying they will not allow “any other” legislation to be passed unless this proposal is ‘changed,’ or ‘dropped’ this year.

Can they mean that? Because if they do, it would mean the state of Nebraska would have to shut down. The reason being is that no budget could be passed as it needs to do every year, and without the money what would the state do?

The Liberal Left had such success in changing our culture concerning abortion they started on other things such as gender identity and drag exhibitions. They used a few well-placed lies 50 years ago for the abortion changes, and basically they are trying to do the same now, on other cultural items.

When the quote I started with was first written, they never noted it would be ‘easy’ to “not buying it.” The reactions of the few fighting the proposals noted shows just how hard it is to correct previous wrongs.

I don’t know what legislative district our readers might live in, but I do know our State Senator from Glenvil favors the return of a culture where people feel good. You can be a part of this fight by contacting your senator and ask him (or her) to help all of us “feel good about our culture.”


In separate news over the past few weeks, we’ve heard from our current president condemn the efforts of people wishing to fight against current trends in our culture today. Our current president, who calls himself a Catholic, supports trying to “convince girls and boys that they were born in the wrong body and rushing them onto experimental drugs, hormones and surgeries that will leave them stunted, scarred and infertile.” He calls to condemn those who would protect children from those practices as sinful and cruel.

The president’s primary target with his comments was the Florida Health Department. They went on record to condemn the Liberal Left’s intention to treat minor children (those under 18) with drugs, hormones and surgeries. Florida basically said “do not harm the children.” After they reach the age of 19, they can decide at that time.

The president is among those of the liberal left that just want to chip away at the positive actions of our nation that stood the test of time for more than 200 years. They want to take over practices, little by little, until they achieve what they want.

It is not easy to fight against what some call the ‘change in culture’ that we’ve seen in the last 50 to 75 years.

If you want to see how these little changes ended in another country, read up on the history of Germany during the first half of the twentieth century.

In general terms this all started when they “took prayer out of schools.” Since then: • we have mass shootings in schools; • we’ve killed unknown number of unborn babies via abortions; • we’ve seen governments at all levels try to convince us we are “not all” born male or female. There is another gender in there someplace; • simple virtues like chastity, prudence, modesty and virginity are not relevant any more, we just do whatever we want; • etc.

Are they related?

If we could read the future, I suspect the relationship would surprise most of us.



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