USD 107 extends contracts to principals'

Monday, President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD 107 to order. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Wayne Frost, Bobi Fogo, Justin Angleton, Brenden Wirth, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth, Billie Cox and Janet Higer. Guest present was Gary Sechrest.

The buildings report was given. Mankato Plumbing did work in the practice gym and the bus barn over spring break. White Rock Electric did the trenching for the signs over break.

Pierce Electronics worked on the radio equipment. The tower was hit by lightning in the thunderstorm on the March 26. Some of the equipment was ruined.

Kara Gilbert, Rock Hills anatomy and physiology teacher, entered a competition for schools who are a part of the Smoky Hill Education consortium and offer a Health Science Pathway. She won a Z Space virtual reality system for Rock Hills. This system is a tabletop virtual reality system that allows students to bring to life, enlarge, and manipulate human body systems (just one example). It also can be used for multiple other CTE programs in the school.

Rock Hills students participated in the Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge on March 6. This year’s Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge had 15 entrepreneurship entries at Rock Hills.

Thirteen students will be competing at state FFA in 37 different events.

The Junior High Twin Lakes League schools (Tescott, Natoma, Sylvan-Lucas) have petitioned and been accepted to join the existing Junior High Pike Trail League (Rock Hills, Lincoln, Thunder Ridge, Lakeside, Pike Valley, Osborne, Southern Cloud, St. Johns, Tipton). Chase has submitted its notification that it plans to exit the High School Northern Plains League and not be a part of the new membership of the Junior High Pike Trail League beginning with the 2023-2024 school year. Stockton has submitted its request to join both the Junior High Pike Trail League and the High School Northern Plains League and has received initial admission.

Gerit Garman with OSE - Orazem & Scalora Engineering will ZOOM into the March 20 regular board meeting to discuss HVAC systems options for the junior-senior high school with the board. OSE has asked McGown Gordon to see if a two-pipe system could be installed in two phases. One phase during summer months so over two summers the junior-senior high school HVAC could be replaced.

Eric Johnson from Campbell and Johnson has been in contact with companies that have had questions related to the water mitigation project at the elementary school. He is hoping a couple of companies will submit a bid for work on this project. Submitted bids will be reviewed by the board at their regular meeting on March 20.

Gary Sechrest from KASB spent the afternoon in the district conducting focus groups on characteristics for a new superintendent. He reviewed the results of the focus groups with the board. He then reviewed the results of the survey that KASB had conducted on behalf of the district on the same subject.

Sechrest reviewed a salary comparison and a daily interview schedule and made recommendations to the board concerning the interview schedule.

The board will meet with Mr. Sechrest in a special meeting at 6 p.m., on March 28, for the purpose of the superintendent search.

Mrs. Bozarth reviewed the Jump Start summer program and curriculum with the board.

Mr. Boley discussed with the board, the future plans for the “Daycare” house.

Janet Higer reported the loss ratios, trends and projections of the district’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance plan rates.

The board approved renewal of the State Exchange Bank Certificate of Deposit and the technology requests as presented by Billie Cox.

The board accepted the resignation of Audrey Felio.

The board approved hiring Sam Meyers as head track coach and Shannon Meier as assistant track coach.

The board extended a 1-year contract to Cassi Bozarth as elementary principal and a 1-year contract to Sam Meyers as high school principal.

The next special meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m., Tuesday, March 28, in the board room of the district office.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, April 10, in the board room of the district office.


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