Love my crazy life

We barely had the time to catch our breath after returning from Texas before heading out again. I was scheduled for minor surgery in Hastings at eight o’clock Monday morning. For some reason, I was under the impression I would be back to the grind in just a few days. Man, was I wrong.

I don’t want to go into detail about the procedure, but I’ll give you a hint, it was a big pain in the hind end. The pain I am referring to has been with me for a long time, and never did it cause me the troubles that having it removed have. I have done as little as physically possible the entire week, and for me, that has been torture.

Bob, the kitten, also had a procedure in the same area on Tuesday. We had rescheduled his neutering twice because of the possibility of going to pick up Jacob. I wasn’t about to do it again. So Tuesday morning, I got myself out and off to the vet with Bob in tow. When I got home I paid dearly for my outing for the rest of the day.

On Wednesday, Bob had to be picked up, and me being the stubborn, refused help. So off I went again with my pillow to pick up the cat. After returning home, Bob and I stayed the remainder of the week attempting to get comfortable on the couch. We binged watched many TV shows and caught up on many movies we had missed out on. I really hadn’t missed much, to be honest.

We have finally made it to spring! I was out on the patio for a bit and was pleasantly surprised that it was actually a nice day. I plan to enjoy the day as much as I can from the couch. I opened a couple of windows. The breeze is still a little crisp, but nothing heals the soul like some fresh air.

You’ll be happy to hear that Bob is feeling better. He was attacking my feet earlier, a sure sign of life. He should return to his rambunctious self in no time, as will I. The past week is just further proof that “I am no spring chicken anymore.” X’s & O’s.


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