Mankato City Council approved 3 percent COLA increase

for city employees

The regular meeting of the Mankato City Council was called to order by Justin Schoonover, mayor, on March 7. Those present were Justin Schoonover and councilmen Kevin Ost, Rodney Payne, Lyle Dauner and George Hennion. Councilman Sam Becker attended via Zoom for a portion of the meeting. Also present were Darrel Miller, city attorney, and Sharon McCormick, interim city clerk.

Visitors present were Sheriff Don Jacobs; Harlow Vader, Bill Thomas, Don Hamilton and Carol Thompson of the Golden Years Club; Trevor Elkins, Mahin Insurance; Shelby Denard; Brian Shulda, Mankato Fire Department; Darren Prince, KMEA representative, appeared by Zoom.

Sheriff Jacobs gave a brief report of activities of his office within the city.

Brian Shulda, representing the Mankato Fire Department, requested the council approve a bid from Senger Construction in the amount of $18,698 to replace the overhead doors and a walk-in door at the fire station. The council reviewed the bid of Senger Construction. The motion to accept the bid passed 4-0, with one absent.

Trevor Elkins presented the council with the renewal quote from EMC for the city’s comprehensive insurance policy. Elkins advised the premium would increase from $65,730 for 2022 to $84,242 for 2023. Elkins explained the reason for the increase. The policy renewal date is in April and it was agreed that the city would pay the first month’s premium and that Elkins would present additional information at the April 4 meeting. The matter would be reconsidered during that time.

Carol Thompson discussed the use of the community center by The Golden Years Club and the need to reschedule meal dates that were cancelled because of inclement weather. The council agreed that the center could be used as needed to make up the missed dates. Carol also discussed the issue of cleaning the grease trap. It was agreed that a city employee would clean the grease trap as needed as has occurred in the past.

Darren Prince, KMEA, presented a comprehensive electric rate review, which included a possible distribution rebuild, street light replacement and the purchase of 5 CAT diesel generators. It was agreed that Darren and other members of KMEA would prepare a proposed contract and submit it for the city attorney’s review and that the matter would be discussed again at the May 2 council meeting.

The issue of a location for the splash pad was discussed with no formal action taken.

The council reviewed a proposal from Advanced Microbial Solutions for sludge removal at the sewer ponds. It was agreed that city employees would obtain an updated bid for sludge removal at cell no. 1, and the matter would be placed on the agenda for action at the April 4 meeting.

The final payment in the amount of $232,544.39 to APAC Construction for completion of Phase 1 of the water project was approved.

The issue of a COLA increase in wages for the city employees was discussed. A 3 percent COLA increase was approved.

Darrel Miller, city attorney, presented information to the council for need for easements for sewer line replacement. He presented a letter for the mayor to sign directed to be sent the property owners for the needed easements. The mayor signed the letters on behalf of the city.

Rates for the Mankato Swimming Pool for the 2023 season were approved: a family rate of $110, single member pass at $50, a daily pass of $4 and $50 for rental of the pool for special occasions.

Discussion was had concerning the damage to a sidewalk caused by an automobile wreck, which resulted in cost incurred for concrete and labor. It was agreed that the city clerk would present the damage statement to the sheriff, who would present it to the court with a request that the driver make restitution for any damages not covered by insurance.

Sharon McCormick, city clerk, requested clarification for rental costs for rental of the armory and the meeting room at the community center. It was agreed that the daily rental rate would be $50 with a $50 deposit for each event.

The council approved the cereal malt beverage permit for Kansas Mammoth Festival, Inc., for sale of cereal malt beverages at the Kansas Mammoth Festival to be held on June 16 and 17.


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