Legion Family plans community and youth projects

Nelson American Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion met jointly and in separate sessions Thursday in the Legion clubroom. An item of interest to all was the cemetery flag replacement and additions project. With the help of donors in the community, nearly enough funds have been raised to purchase the needed flags. It is hoped additional donations will allow for a special fund for replacement and additions that might be needed in the future.

It was also announced that the legion is sponsoring one junior class member to attend Boys’ State, The Sons of the Legion are sponsoring an additional Boys’ State attendee, and the auxiliary is sponsoring two junior girls for Girls’ State. Preliminary plans for Memorial Day activities were discussed, including the need for work days to update flag poles and other items at the cemetery.

Auxiliary members approved a donation to the Lawrence-Nelson Post Prom party and discussed hosting additional activities that will be open to the public. They also discussed the need to promote the participation of community youth to assist with activities such as putting up and taking down flags, cemetery clean-up and meal serving. These volunteer activities are a valued addition to college and job applications and would greatly assist the older members of the organization. The auxiliary is once again offering a $400 scholarship to a graduating senior girl and applications will be acted on in the near future.


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