
Community Fundraising, what a turnout.

One of the selling points of living in “rural” Nebraska is the tradition of neighbors helping neighbors in times of trouble and in good times.

In an accompanying article in this week’s paper, you may read about such happenings in and around Lawrence. The community went out after donations for things as diverse as a summer ball program, firefighting equipment and funds to build a new community center building.

From all appearances and without any concrete knowledge, all were successful. And, it was not surprising to see a number of people from outside of the community come to support the efforts.

I congratulate all the workers who helped make each effort a success.

And, what makes this whole contribution even more amazing is the fact that most of these same people are also in the process of raising funds for the much needed repairs at Sacred Heart church. The extent of damage to the church building was pretty well unknown until the actual repair work was started.

Another amazing fact for the community is the fact that most all of the donations that have come in have not been “large” donations. One estate donation totaled $150.000, but most all others were much less. Yet, the donations are adding up and the future of both major projects looks promising.

It goes without saying, both the church and the community building committee are still actively searching for additional funds as each has a way to go. Both have received donations from outside of the community, often from Lawrence area natives and sometimes from the estates of Lawrence natives.

I would encourage people to continue their donations. Next week I hope to include several suggestions for ways to do this that not only benefit our efforts, but also benefit the donors.


Writing about abortion is certainly not my favorite subject to write about. However, at time things come together that make it almost necessary.

One item was a letter to the editor in the Hastings newspaper and another a news report out of California.

They show how the liberal segment of society use whatever they can to promote whatever their cause is. In this case it is abortion.

In the Hastings Tribune letter a woman brings up several objections to Nebraska’s current effort to reduce the number of abortions in the state. She suggests situations where the current proposals in Nebraska might well cause what she calls a hardship on women concerning her pregnancy.

Nowhere did she mention the documented injuries and deaths of women who actually had abortions over the past 49 years.

The liberals use whatever events they can to conjure up support. For example, a women raped and actually becoming pregnant is a rare thing, but it does happen. The liberal’s answer: “kill the baby.” That will make the rapist sorry for what he did.

I never did figure that one out. How does the killing of an unborn baby give any penalty to the person who committed the sin?

One last thing from the letter in the Tribune. The writer never uses the word “kill.” She talks of the “termination” of the unborn baby as if “killing” the baby was never involved.

The other event that triggered my response was an event in California where the governor announced that California would not renew a $54 million contract with Walgreens.

Walgreens’ crime? The drug store chain had said it would not stock abortion pills in 21 states following a sharply worded letter from 20 state attorneys general warning that mailing abortion drugs could violate federal and state laws.

The California governor’s action is a perfect example of the liberal’s kicking up the culture war. They use whatever action they can to make what they want to do appear as “not so bad” and others will approve of what they do as being good.

That is what happened 49 years ago when the liberals convinced people that the killing of unborn people was actually a good thing.

One of the sad things about this whole situation is that not enough “conservative” or whatever you want to call them, did not stand up and oppose it right from the start. If they had, we might not be fighting the same battle in 2023.



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