Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions

Q: I have a dear relative who doesn’t believe in God, what can I do to help him?

A: Prayer is always a good option when concerned for those we care about (Philippians 4:6-7). Beyond that, each situation is unique and I hesitate to offer much in the way of direct advice. However, I would offer the following thoughts from Scripture and invite you to consider how they apply to your situation. 

First, has your loved one heard the gospel message (Romans 10:14)? The Bible tells us that there is only one way to receive forgiveness and eternal life, and that is through Christ (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). It can be uncomfortable to share your faith with another, but your concern for their well-being and relationship with them puts you in the best position to share that truth with them. Tell them how you came to believe in Christ and share from your heart. 

Remember, all we can do for others is explain the way of salvation, we cannot force them to believe (Acts 26:28-29; II Cor-inthians 4:2). Even if they do not accept it right away it doesn’t mean you are a failure or did it wrong. You’re now able to move to the next step: being a witness in how you live. 

Once people know where you stand, they will begin watching your life to see if the truth has made any difference how you live (I Peter 3:15-16). This is why Christians are called to live a blameless and upright life (Philippians 2:14-15) that demonstrates faith in Christ to the world. They should be able to see the light of Christ in our lives (Matthew 5:16), which will also be evidence for them of the life-changing power of the gospel (II Corinthians 5:17). 

We can all improve in each of these areas, and if the salvation of the lost depended solely on us they’d be in a sad way. Which is why the last and most important thing to remember is to continually entrust the situation to God through prayer (Colossians 4:3; I Timothy 2:1, 4). Remember that salvation is God’s work, and He is able to reach even the most hard-hearted (I Timothy 1:13-16). Pray earnestly for your loved one and never give up on them; trust that God will do what is best in their lives (Proverbs 3:5-6). 


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