Commissioners accept tire bid

The Jewell County Commissioners met Tuesday, Feb. 21. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe, and Ed Duskie, were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, attended the meeting.

Cindy Becker, health administrator, had the state grant for the commissioners’ approval. She has been working on spending the remaining funds from the COVID-19 grants. She reported the shed is completed, the electricity will need to be hooked up. The shed was paid for with grant funds and is for testing and COVID-19 vaccinations. The commissioners approved the signing of the application for the KDHE grant.

Brenda Eakins, Carla Waugh, Lora Ost and Amanda Davis requested the commissioners consider changing the courthouse office hours. The current hours are 8:30 to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. The group provided two options for the commissioners’ consideration: Option 1 – 8 to 12:15 and 1 to 4:30, Monday through Thursday with 8:15 to noon on Friday; Option 2 – 8:15 to 12:30 and 1 to 4:30. Monday through Thursday with 8:15 to 12:15 on Friday. (Both options maintain the current 35 hour work week.) The commissioners discussed the two options and said they would make a decision at the next meeting.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, checked on the tire brand from Randall Farmers Co-operative Union’s bid and found that the tread is different and the tires are lighter. Commissioners accepted the bid from Walker Auto Service for tires.


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