Presenting biblical answers to tough questions
Q: What’s the point of getting baptized? What is it for?
A: Different churches and denominations will have different perspectives of the purpose of baptism, and most sincerely believe their perspective is the one that most closely matches the perspective of Scripture. Part of the reason for this diversity is the range of Scriptures that pertain to the subject. When examined out of context, the different verses can seem to present contradictory views (compare I Corinthians 1:14-17 with Acts 2:38 for one example). While it is easy to focus on the verses that seem to match with what we’ve been told, the trick is to identify all of the verses concerning baptism and come to understand the entire teaching of the Bible on the subject. The Christian that best accomplishes this will have the most biblical perspective of baptism.
My perspective is that baptism is a declaration of allegiance to Christ and the teachings of Christianity. While salvation from sins and new life in Christ are gained by placing our faith in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins (John 1:12; 5:24; Acts 16:29-31; etc.), baptism is a ceremony which pictures, demonstrates and announces that saving faith to the church, family members, and friends (Acts 2:41). It can happen concurrent with salvation, (in other words a person can choose to place their faith in Christ at the moment they are baptized), but typically the decision to be baptized will follow a person’s decision to trust in Christ (Acts 8:35-38). The outward act of being ceremoniously immersed and raised out of the water symbolizes a person being spiritually crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6:3), buried with Him in the grave (Romans 6:4), and raised to newness of life (Romans 6:4). It declares a commitment to live our lives as Christ would want us to (II Corinthians 5:14-15), and can also set an example of faith for others to follow.
A person considering baptism should ask themselves several questions. First, “Do I genuinely believe that Jesus is my Savior who died for my sins?” (Acts 8:36-37). “Have I accepted forgiveness and new life as a free gift from Him?” (Romans 4:5, 6:23; Galatians 3:9). And finally; “Am I ready to follow Christ in my life and learn to act as a Christian should?” (II Corinthians 5:17 and 21). If the answer to each of those questions is yes, then talk to your pastor about getting baptized, and welcome to the family of God!
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