SHS girls take second at the SNC tourney

The Superior High School girls basketball team worked their way to the final round of the Southern Nebraska Conference. They handled Sutton, 45-40, in their opening round game at Superior. They took care of Thayer Central at Centennial High School, Utica, 49-40, Thursday. They ran into C-1 powerhouse Milford in the final game Saturday. They lost 51-34. Two of Superior's three losses this season have been to Milfod. Superior encountered another roadblock when they fell to Smith Center 70-58, at Smith Center, Monday. Milford has a 16-3 record while Smith Center is 13-3.

Ella Gardner led Superior scoring against Sutton with 19 points. Sadie Cornell put up 14 points. Laci Kirchhoff hit for six points. Halle Bargen scored four points. Faith Butler added two points. Bargen grabbed eight rebounds. Gardner landed four rebounds. Butler took care of three rebounds. Cornell and Kirchhoff had two rebounds apiece.

Bargen and Gardner hit for 13 points apiece against Thayer Central. Cornell tossed through 12 points. Butler put up six dreams. Kirchhoff scored three points. Ariana Heusinkvelt scored two points. Bargen landed 10 rebounds. Gardner and Kirchhoff produced three rebound each. Butler and A. Heusinkvelt nailed down two rebounds apiece. Cornell and Lilly Edwards had one rebound each.

Cornell provided 13 points against Milford. Gardner accounted for five points. Edwards contributed four points. Bargen slid through three points. A. Heusinkvelt and Kirchhoff sank a free throw each for one point. Bargen pulled off eight rebounds. Kirchhoff downed four rebounds. Cornell and Gardner managed three rebounds each. Edwards had a rebound.

Statistics were unavailable for the Smith Center game at press time.

Superior closes out their regular season schedule Friday when they host Lawrence-Nelson at the Superior gymnasium.

Sub-district play begins Tuesday with site and opponents to be determined.


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