Mrs. Cox named information technology director for 2023-24 by USD107 board

Mrs. Cox named Information Technology director

Kenny Mizner, president of USD 107 Board of Education, called the regular BOE meeting to order at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 11. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Wayne Frost, Bobi Fogo, Justin Angleton, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth, Billie Cox, and Janet Higer. Guests present were Jennifer Vizner and Trevor Elkins.

The board adopted Resolution 2023-011 to establish election of officers. Kenny Mizner was elected president. Marc Grout was elected vice president.

The board adopted Resolution 2023-010 for establishing the board’s regular meeting dates.

In the building report, it was told that Glassman Corporation would complete their routine inspection and maintenance on the HVAC units at the high school.

White Rock Electric installed new lights in the two classrooms at the practice gym.

In the transportation report it was mentioned two employees have completed defensive driving and medic first aid. They are currently working on their ride and drive time. Once this is completed, they will be able to drive the 14-passenger bus.

Mr. Meyers, 6 through 12 principal, reported the 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th graders and received CPR training provided by members of the Jewell County


On Feb. 1, the annual Spelling Bee for students in grades 4 through 8 was conducted in the Little Theater.

Sweetheart ceremonies will be held on Friday, Feb. 10, with the coronation taking place following the boys varsity game.

Mrs. Bozarth, Pre-K-5 principal, reported students read 1,870 books in the first semester. The new goal is to read 4,000 books by the end of the year.

The elementary building staff is working on their building vision.

Mr. Boley, superintendent, reported the district is preparing for the Year 5 On Site Visitation (OVT) for final accreditation. It will take place Spring 2023.

He is waiting to see what the governor proposes in her budget for education. The Kansas State Board of Education has recommended to the governor and state legislators to have a 5-year phase-in to fully fund special education at current state law levels.

The district is working to get a camera video of the outside water drains at both schools. The company needs to come back and power flush the drains at the elementary and at that time will look into the drains at the junior-senior high school.

Mr. Boley is receiving bids from White Rock Electric for new lighting in the ag classroom and shop, weight room and locker rooms.

Because of the weather over winter Christmas break, the re-finishing the gym floors has been moved to this summer.

The district has received additional free COVID-19 Home Test Kits from KDHE. These are free to families and staff. People just need to contact the school district nurse to get the free kits.

Job openings have been posted for the 2023-2024 school year for an elementary teacher and an elementary counselor. The district is considering the need for a full time technology director.

Brandon Hollerich reported for the board on the process of the policy review. He said the policy review committee would be putting the policies, with suggested changes, on Google Drive for the board to review.

Trevor Elkins, Mahin Insurance, reviewed the EMC Insurance renewal with the board, as well as a spreadsheet noting changed values from last year to this year. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that Trevor would check on some adjustments and bring a final proposal to the board at the Feb. 13 meeting.

Mr. Boley reviewed Mr. Sechrist’s results from the long range planning sessions and the recommended vision statement. The board approved the vision statement.

The board held the second reading of the following KASB recommended policy updates: GAAB, GCRF, IDAB, IFA, JBE, JCE, JDD, KN, LED. Mr. Boley reported that KASB recommended deleting the policy “LED” because of some schools scheduling Wednesday events. Mr. Boley informed the board that if they want to continue to keep Wednesdays free, they should vote not to approve the recommendation relating the LED policy. The board approved all recommended policies with the exception of deleting LED.

USD 107 was presented with the following Kansans Can Star Recognition for 2022: Graduation - gold; Postsecondary Effectiveness - copper; Commissioner’s Award.

Mr. Boley discussed with the board, the necessity of expanding to a full-time information technology director. He presented the board with a proposed job description. Mrs. Cox talked about the benefits of moving to a full-time position, compared to how things are handled presently.

Mr. Boley presented a junior-senior high school HVAC draft fee proposal from HTK. He was currently working with Campbell and Johnson on the water mitigation. The board informed Mr. Boley they were looking for a closer estimation on replacing the HVAC system per their request at the last meeting.

Mr. Boley told the board that according to policy, the district was to have appointed hearing officers for student long-term suspension or expulsion. His recommendation was approved. Officers are: Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth, Jeff Travis, Katie Schroeder and Rex Boley.

The board received bids for investment of idle funds from State Exchange Bank and Guaranty State Bank. Mr. Boley and Mrs. Higer discussed some options with the board. They board approved to invest $500,000 in a 2-month certificate of deposit with the State Exchange Bank and $500,000 in a 3-month certificate of deposit with Guaranty State Bank.

Mr. Meyers addressed the board about the changes to the Pike Trail League with the request from Twin Lakes League to merge with PTL. Mr. Boley and Mr. Meyers were in favor of voting for the merge at the next league meeting unless the board was against it. The board was in agreement with Mr. Meyers’ intended vote.

The board went into executive session to discuss confidential student information pursuant to the exception relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a student.

The board went into executive session with Mr. Boley present and invitation to Mrs. Bozarth, and Mr. Meyers to discuss confidential student information pursuant to the exception relating to actions adversely or favorably affecting a student.

The board went into executive session with Mr. Boley present to discuss employee contracts pursuant to the non-elected personnel exception.

The board approved hiring Janice McMillan as part-time elementary student support.

The board approved to extend Mr. Boley’s contract for the 24/25 school year.

The board went into executive session with just the board present to discuss employee contracts.

The board approved to create a full-time, 3/8 teaching 5/8 information technology director position with the job description that was discussed earlier.

The board approved to transfer Mrs. Cox to the newly created position for the 23-24 school year.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., Monday, Feb. 13, in the board room of the district office.


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