Turtles attendAmerican Legion Mid-year Conference

American Legion Mid-year Conference held at Norfolk

Chuck and DeAnna Tuttle attended the American Legion Department of Nebraska educational conference held at Divots Norfolk Lodge Jan. 13 to 15 with joint and individual sessions for all members of the American Legion Family.

Joint sessions included greetings from National and State officers present, Boys’ and Girls’ State updates, Women Veterans symposium, information on the Children and Youth Program and scholarships, promoting Americanism, veteran reemployment and rehabilitation and a non-denominational worship service.

The highlight Saturday evening was the oratorical contest. Entrants first gave a prepared speech with a 10 minute limitation on an aspect of the constitution that was especially meaningful for them. They were then given five minutes to prepare for a three to five minute oration on a title in the constitution that had not been previously revealed to them. The first place winner, Mary Worthing of Arthur County High School, was awarded a $1,000 scholarship and will proceed to the regional contest to be held this spring and have an opportunity to be awarded additional scholarships.

During the auxiliary’s break-out sessions, members were reminded of various scholarships available to junior members and of children and youth activities and heard from the Norfolk Veterans Home activity director about the activities provided in part by the Legion and Auxiliary that are of special interest to the residents.

Vicki Ozenbaugh, department president, provided an update on her project to provide funding for the POW-MIA Accounting Agency. There are only two sites for the forensic analysis of remains, one in Hawaii and one at Offutt Air Force Base here in Nebraska.

The Tuttles were not able to attend the Sons of the American Legion or Legion Riders sessions but information will be available on the Nebraska American Legion web site.


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