Folks . . . you just have to keep a ‘Sense of Humor.”
I’ve encouraged this ‘virtue’ for many years. You never know when you need it.
Last week, for example, in some news story, someplace, I read the phrase: “Think Tank for President Biden.”
I think it was in a story about the ‘discovery’ of classified documents in our president’s former office and home.
Gosh, that struck me as funny and my first reply was that this president need much more than a “Think Tank.”
Consider the fact that most everything he says is written out for him on cards (or the computer), just what is he going to do with someone “thinking” for him as well. And how would that work when he has times when he has to come up with answers ‘off the cuff.’
Think Tanks . . . here are a few presidents who could have used them:
President Nixon: to rethink that whole Watergate issue.
President Jimmy Carter: to learn how to be a president.
President Clinton: to learn a few morals.
Hillary Clinton: almost a president: to feel some compassion and responsibility for the death of an American Ambassador in Benghazi.
President Obama: to learn that America may need to make some changes, but doesn’t need to be ‘fundamentally’ changed. Most of us really don’t want American to be a Socialistic Country.
President Biden: gosh, don’t know where to start: learn how to protect our southern border; learn that it is not right to kill unborn babies by abortions; learn that piling regulations upon regulations hurts the economy and society more than helps; etc.
News story I heard last week went something like this:
“Person with that name was found in California and Texas and 49 other states.”
Didn’t Obama once say there were 51 states? Everyone thought he was wrong, but maybe something happened we don’t know about.
“Government Classified Documents,” seem to be getting a lot of attention lately, and I read the reports with a certain sense of humor.
While in the military, I worked daily with ‘classified information.’ It was interesting and I’m proud to say that in four years we never lost documents or put the country’s interest in peril. However, one incident did make many of us laugh; somewhat after the fact.
Many of you remember Henry Kissinger, the U. S. Secretary of State for many years.
The incident came up when Mr. Kissinger was photographed on the steps of the White House, with the president. He was holding a folder of papers, some of which were spilling out of the folder and a person could read some of what was on the papers in most of the many pictures taken.
Several of the words identified a ‘Top Secret’ program of the government. The entire program was government wide and worked on by many people. And, here it was that the security breach was done by those highest in the government pecking order.
To my knowledge it was the one and only time a security breach was done on this program. I don’t know what, if anything, was done after this event took place. Consider also that Hillary Clinton is rumored to have had something over 35,000 documents on her un-authorized computer at her home. I’m sure they were not all classified, but I’m also sure some of them were.
The current excitement over having a former president and a present president having classified documents at home probably is not the first time it happened.
I hope it is the last.
Last week, Nuckolls County lost another of its “editors.” Mr. Jim Menke died, much to the sorrow of many.
Mr. Menke was a classmate of mine as we graduated at the same time from Lawrence High School. Jim, Lavern Verkamp and I were the only boys in our class that lived ‘in town,’ and as such I considered both good friends.
There are a number of stories I could tell about our youthful days, but I’d rather not. I enjoy fondly the days we went hunting, played football and many other ‘High School’ events. In football, Jim played “Defensive End,” and did a good job at it. I can remember a number of “Sacks” he was credited with.
I will remember him for all he did for some time.
There is a man, Alexander Hyatt, who is employed by ‘The Heritage Foundation.’ He recently set out seven areas in the political life of America at this time that will most receive the majority of attention during the next two years leading up to the next presidential election. I’m going to review them today, but consider they are not the only areas of interest and they are in no particular order. And . . . the world may change greatly in the next two years.
1: Empowering parents to make education choices for their children: Many parents in Nebraska have great trust in the people they elect to many governmental positions. I suspect most think this is just one more thing they don’t have to worry about since the people they elect will take good care of their position and job.
In the past several years even the national media has published events where parents have come to reject decisions of school boards and forced policy changes. School boards influenced greatly by unions of school teachers seem to be involved the most.
2: Securing America’s borders and reducing crime: The national media (except for FOX news) seem to enjoy not reporting on the ‘millions’ of people crossing our southern border. Not to mention the criminals and illegal drugs that come with them.
3: Ensuring free and fair elections. A basic tenant of our life as a Democratic Republic.
4: Reversing the growth of regulations, spending and inflation: I have contended in the past the aim of the Liberal Democrats is to have so many laws (and regulations) on the books that no matter what a person does, he’s going to break some law without even knowing it. Enough is enough.
5: Countering the threat of Communist China: China seems to find it harder and harder to live alongside ‘any’ Democratic Republic. I have no idea of where this may lead us.
6: Holding Big Tech accountable: The world has changed so much that “Big Tech” and “Big Government” kinda go hand-in-hand. I can’t envision what the future holds.
7: Protecting unborn life and family formation: The Supreme Court decision in saying the U. S. Constitution does not give a women the right to kill their unborn child is just a step in this area. Have you noticed how hard the ‘Pro-Abortion’ advocates are trying to continue their killing ways in many ways? Planned Parenthood was (or is) a leader trying to convince Americans that killing an unborn child was really part of a “Health Care” program for women. (I never did understand that train of thought.)
I’m guessing that these seven areas of thought and action will surface a number of times over the next two years.
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