Country Roads

It may be called being “old school” in these times but many people my age have thoughts, wishes and memories that would be labeled “old school” by several of the younger generation.

What happened with sending out hand written thank you cards when a gift is sent to an individual or a couple? In most of today’s society that isn’t done anymore.Instead quick and easy text messages are sent, but sometimes no acknowledgement is received. It leaves the person giving the gift wondering if it was ever received or if it was appreciated. An email thank you letter or a phone call would be better than nothing.

Then there are the communication skills used today. Receiving a phone call and visiting with a person, hearing their voice, is appreciated. I know it is much easier and faster to use a cell phone and text, but a phone call is appreciated. A person is more liable to say something in a text that could be misunderstood. Some find it easier to express hurtful things when not listening to the other person’s voice. Thoughts or news shared person-to-person can often be worked out or explained if there is a misunderstanding. Loving thoughts can not be expressed and appreciated in a text like they can be over the phone or person-to-person.

Personal time with family members and friends should be preserved. Many parents are seen with their eyes glued to a cell phone while their child is trying to get their attention. It also works the other way, as children are seen staring into cell phones while parents or grandparents are trying to visit with them. Limiting cell phone time is a good idea and thankfully some do it.

My mother enjoyed sending greeting cards to friends and family. If you were a friend or family member and ill, you’d get a card in the mail. If it was your birthday or wedding anniversary, you’d get a card from her and, of course, she would add Dad’s name to hers. After Mom died, many people let me know they missed her and the annual birthday card from my parents in the mail. It was important to Mom to keep in touch, letting people know they were special and remembered. Long letters were written to her sisters to share family information. I try to carry on some of the tradition but I get behind, and I don’t reach out to as many family members as she did.

“Time is precious” is a saying, but your time is precious and appreciated by someone close to you who would like to hear from you. If you haven’t communicated for a while, write a letter or give them a phone call. It’s not a bad thing to be called “old school.”


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