New Year brings new hours and exhibits to JC Museum

The new year brings new hours and exhibits

The Jewell County Historical Museum has added new exhibits for public viewing. In the room that contains Manny the Mammoth, there is now an exhibit showing mammoths in the movies. The exhibit allows museum visitors to view movies like Ice Age, where mammoths are prevalent. There will be a timeline added on the wall between Manny the Mammoth and the mammoths in the movies exhibit. New louvers have been added to the Mammoth room as well as a new mammoth mural painted by Kyra Lampe and Kaitlyn Mahin from Courtland. When people first enter the museum, they will be facing the interactive children's play area that just opened in the beginning of December.

These new exhibits can be viewed during the new hours of the museum. Until March, the museum will only be open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. In order to keep the museum open during the winter, donations are needed. On your next free Saturday, come out and support the Jewell County Historical Museum. Admission is free, but donations are always welcome.


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