Record office hosts unwanted guest

This Christmas season the Jewell County Record office staff experienced their own version of the Chevy Chase National Lampon’s Christmas.

Because of the wind chills and icy walks and streets, the business was like many others in this area. The office was closed on both Thursday and Friday and telephone calls transferred to the staff members’ home which made for four days with no one in the office.

When staff members opened the front door Monday, they were surprised with a flash of movement but they weren’t immediately certain of the source. Stepping on into the office, they found the Christmas tree overturned and other decorations in disarray.

What, they wondered, had gone on while they were gone. Then they heard something thudding against the walls and learned a bird had taken up residence inside the office. And the bird did not welcome their company.

Their first plan to evict the bird involved opening the building’s rear door and shooing the fowl into the back room. It was hoped the creature would see the open door, smell the fresh air and voluntarily leave, but the bird wasn’t cooperative and resisted going into the cooler back room.

After several unsuccessful attempts to remove the bird, the fowl decided to hide in an empty sack. The sack was immedately closed and the bird escorted to the outdoors where it was released.

How it got into the office remains a mystery. Hopefully, it won’t return for a New Year’s party.


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