Jewell awarded $6,700 for Maag City Park and Emerson Lake updates

The Jewell City Council met on Monday, Dec. 5, at city hall. Those in attendance were Darrell Bohnert, mayor; Council members, Max Burks, Josh Burks, Gaye Daniels, Derek Birdsell, Bob Freeman and Kristie Anderson, city clerk.

Kristie Anderson presented the monthly clerk’s report. Anderson said the waste tire grant is coming up again. She said the 2023 dog tags have not arrived yet and hopes to get them soon. She gave an update on the community center and motel reservation for the month of December.

David Knappert presented the monthly maintenance report. Knappert said getting a quote for the 1990 fire truck for shocks KYP KG series, tires from Thompson Tire and Randall Station. It was approved to put new tires and shocks on the 1990 fire truck. Knappert reported on the projects he is currently working on this month.

Land Bank Board provided the minutes from their last meeting.

Mayor Bohnert reported the city was awarded $6,700.00 from Jewell County Community Foundation for the Improved Handicap Accessibility at Maag City Park and Emerson Lake.

The renewal CMB license for RFCU was approved. Mayor Bohnert presented the letter from the land bank for recommendation on houses to be looked at by the code enforcement.

The council moved into executive session to discuss bonuses and wages. Pay increases and listed bonuses were approved as discussed.

Bonuses: David- $1,000, Kristie - $850, and Jacque - $500.

Salary adjustments: David 23.30 per hour, Kristie $19.20, Roy $12.80, Jacque $13.40, and Alisha $20.00.


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