New JC ambulance in service, data collection to start in 2023

Commissioners met November 28

The Jewell County Commissioners met Nov. 28.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Alexandria Pierce, county attorney; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator; and Cindy Becker, health administrator. Those absent: Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Travis Garst, solid waste director; Amanda Davis, register of deeds.

Shannon Meier reported the new ambulance is in service. The CMS will start the data collection for 2023.

Chris Petet said he is working to get the boilers certified.

Alex Pierce reported two new juvenile cases, one felony off grid, one felony arrest over the weekend, and 175 traffic cases. They had a hearing for a parental rights termination.

Kevin Peroutek reported for the weed department that Jewell County hosted the regional director’s meeting. He also discussed increased chemical prices. He attended the Regional Homeland Security Council meeting. He discussed attending the training for the mass communication system, Ever Bridge.

Cindy Becker said she applied for a building permit for a storage building at the health department property. The COVID-19 testing program will continue until March of 2023. They have been providing vaccinations.

Anna Porter said she had a payment under protest hearing. The appraiser’s office is working on the 2023 tax cycle.

Carla Waugh discussed the timing of submitting vouchers to be paid. She requested that each department submit their vouchers by noon on Thursday with the understanding there may be a few more to be added. She also stated to only pay from the statement, to reduce double payments.

Keith Roe said he has had some taxpayers make comments about the increased property taxes.

Brent Beck said the commissioners have been working on employee evaluations. He also said that Anthony Wyatt donated $30,000 to Jewell County.

Steve Greene said he attended the economic development meeting, detention center meeting and the hospital board meeting. He discussed employees receiving a gift card in lieu of a Christmas meal. He said some employees had asked about a raise and the commissioners understand the higher cost of living, but the health insurance increased, and the budget was set in June.

Alex Pierce, county attorney, discussed her concerns with delays from the juvenile detention center.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed maintenance.

Steve Greene moved that the commissioners meet every Monday except for holidays in which case they shall meet on Tuesday of that week. Motion died for lack of a second.


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