Republic Co. board gives green light to NextEra Windfarm

It appears a windfarm is coming to Republic County.

Last week a majority of the county commissioners voted to sign agreements with NextEra Energy allowing the development of the High Banks wind project in Republic County. Commissioners Melvin Jeardoe and Doug Garman voted in favor of the approval. Commissioner Edwin Splichal, who represents the district where the project will be built, recused himself over accusations of a conflict of interest.

The Belleville Telescope quoted Splichal as saying, “I have chosen to abstain even though I do not have a conflict of interest. Splichal said he has never had a lease with High Banks Wind and has never received any compensation from the company. He said land he previously owned that has been leased to High Banks was transferred to his son.

High Banks officials have said construction of private access roads will begin yet this year. A materials and equipment yard will be opened along Highway 36 and tree clearing is to start soon.

NextEra first announced plans for a windfarm straddling the Republic and Washington county lines in 2016. That project was not built. The High Banks plan was announced in January of 2021. While the current project will extend into Washington County, most of the 200 or more planned turbines will be located in Republic County.

NextEra has said the first project was abandoned because of military flight routes.


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