Mankato City Council to contribute to Eagle Scout project

The regular meeting of the Mankato City Council was called to order by Mayor Justin Schoonover on Tuesday, Oct. 4. Councilmen present were Sam Becker, Kevin Ost, George Hennion, Rodney Payne and Lyle Dauner. Also present were Darrell Miller,city attorney, and Sharon McCormick, interim city clerk.

Visitors present were Garrett Barry and Pamela Wirth, Don Koester, Amanda Horn, North Central Regional Planning Commision, and Shlby Denard.

Garrett Barry made a presentation concerning his Eagle Scout project. Garrett advised the council his project was to refubish the sign at the Mankato Country Club. He requested the council consider contributing to the project by paying for the concrete work.

Amanda Horn, North Central Regional Planning Commission, advised the council she was soon to return to South Africa for a six month stay to assist with the family farm. She requested that she be allowed to continue with the city’s water project and believed she could continue to provide needed services by email and telephone. The council expressed their desire that Amanda continue with Mankato’s projects.

The council approved to enter into an agreement with North Central Regional Planning Commission to apply to USDA for additional funding. The council agreed to a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Oct. 25 for purposes of a public hearing on the request for additional funding.

The requested payments to APAC were approved.

The bid of Boettcher Supply, Inc. in the amount of $1,366.20 for LED lighting passed unanimously.

The building application submitted by Don Koester at the September meeting was approved.

Stephanie Mendez’s resignation was approved.

The council discussed the bid of Jackson’s Glass Shop for an automatic door at the Mankato City Library. The matter was tabled with no action taken. The matter will be discussed further at a future meeting when additional information is obtained.

The quote of $1,610.00 from Sunbelt Solomon for testing of the city’s transformers passed unanimously.

The council approved to increase Sharon McCormick’s hourly wage by $3.00 an hour, effective immediately.

The council reviewed the application for employment to fill the position previously held by Stephanie Mendez. It was agreed that Councilman Ost, Mayor Schoonover and Sharron McCormick, interim city clerk, would interview the candidates and make a recommendation to the council.

A brief discussion was held concerning the free camping at the camping sites north of City Park. No decision was made and the matter will be reconsidered when more information is obtained.

City Attorney Miller requested the council let him make revision to city ordinances pertaining to dogs. The council agreed the ordinances should be updated.

A discussion was held concerning the fuel adjustment cost report indicating the city had not collected the appropriate amount for the fuel adjustment cost resulting from the adjustments necessary from the cold weather in prior years. McCormick advised the council that the uncollected amount was $78,391.09. Assessment of the charges were deferred until a later meeting until additional calculations could be made.

The council reviewed a request from Mankato Chamber of Commerce for “Christmas in Mankato” at the Mankato City Park, similar to last year’s events. The council concurred in the request of the planning.

The council approved to contribute the sum of $800 to Garrett Barry’s project to rebuild the sign at the Mankato Country Club.


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