SHS volleyball heads to postseason play

The Superior High School volleyball team closed out their regular season schedule Monday when they lost their opening round Southern Nebraska conference Tournament match to Centennial. Superior downed the Sandy Creek Cougars at Superior last Tuesday. The Wildcats swept Sandy Creek in three sets, 25-16, 25-8 and 25-20. The Wildcats hosted Centura at the high school gymnasium Saturday. The Senior Night crowd watched the Centurions defeat the Wildcats 20-25,19-25 and 18-25, in three sets. It took Centennial three sets, 20-25, 25-18 and 26-24, to put away Superior at Milford.

Teegan Duncan notched 13 kills against Sandy Creek. Madison Heusinkvelt tallied seven kills. Halle Bargen landed six kills. Ella Gardner lashed together five kills. Brooklynn Grabast factored in four kills. Lilly Edwards posted two kills. Mia Gardner had one kill. Bargen, Duncan and Sadie Rempel sliced through two aces apiece. M. Heusinkvelt scored with an ace. Atlee Kobza saw to 17 digs. Duncan handled 15 dugs. Bargen grubbed up 10 digs. Rempel found her way to nine digs. E. Gardner garnered eight digs. M. Heusinkvelt had two digs. Ariana heusinkvelt produced two digs. Edwards had a dig.

Bargen, Duncan, Edwards and Heusinkvelt tallied four kills apiece against Centura E. Gardner and Grabast landed three kills each. M. Heusinkvelt missled through two aces. Gardner and Atlee Kobza each scored with an ace.

Bargen was the lead digger with 14. Kobza collected 13 digs. Gardner gathered in 10 digs. Duncan came up with seven digs. Rempel produced five digs.

Heusinkvelt notched eight kills against Centennial. Duncan was good for five kills. Gardner pounded down three kills. Edwards, Grabast and Kobza accounted for a kill each. Gardner, Kobza and Rempel slipped through two aces apiece. Bargen scored with an ace. Gardner handled 20 digs. Kobza hit up 17 digs. Duncan produced nine digs. Bargen provided eight digs. Heusinkvelt was in with two digs. Grabast and Edwards had a dig apiece.

The Wildcats face off in sub-district play on Monday. Superior will have to play its way into the state tournament as they trail far behind in wildcard points. They will face one big obstacle in the bracket. The other teams are Fillmore Central, Thayer Central and Sutton. Superior has beaten the two Centrals this season but fell in three sets to Sutton. So their road to district play goes through Sutton.


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