
November 8, 2022 . . . Election Day.

That’s right, a day so many of us set aside every two years to go and vote. However, it seems to me the importance of that day has diminished somewhat over the years. I attribute some of the changes in attitude towards voting to this thing called “Early Voting.”

We are now about three weeks plus a few days away from that November 8 election day. Every state in the nation will be voting that day.

As I understand it, however, some states are now allowing voters to start voting already with their “Early Voting” programs.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think that is stupid.

Nebraska allows their ‘Early Voting” program to begin 35 days before the November 8 election day. As such you can apply for the ballots and vote any time now.

I think the whole process does very little good and just makes the process more complicated and I’m sure some people will not even bother to vote because they just are not sure what to do . . . and when to do it.

The process is certainly not “more simple” than showing up on Election Day and voting.

It does give those who cannot be at their voting place on Election Day for some reason the opportunity to vote. But . . . we already had an absentee ballot process in place.

I think there is just too much time between these early voting dates and the actual Election Day for things to happen. I would hate to have voted already and then learn something bad about the person I voted for.

I think maybe the voting date should be changed to a weekend date. Maybe have it on Sunday, or I’d even agree to a two day voting cycle, maybe a Saturday and Sunday.

Times do change and maybe this early voting thing will go away and be replaced with something else.


Election Day is still a month away and already we Nebraskans know we’ll have a ‘new’ U. S. Senator before long. Senator Ben Sasse has let it be known he is going to resign from his position and move on to a job at a university in Florida.

Hate to see him leave, but will wish him well.

I wonder who our governor will appoint to replace him.


Speaking of elections, did you notice that the national Republican Party set out its ‘platform’ a month or so ago. They try to tell us what they would do, if and when elected as the presiding political party in Washington.

You most likely remember I’ve hinted at the reasons I’m no longer a member of the Democrat Party. One of those reasons is to see what that party wants to accomplish.

I forgot, until just recently, the Democrat’s Party Platform from 2020.

In their platform they laid out their desire to remove the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance.

I can’t think of any good reason this should be done. The United States of America was formed with the understanding that is would always be operating by people who understand the Christian philosophy that all power of the state comes via God through the people governed.

Somehow I have a problem voting for people who want to remove these two little words from the Pledge of Allegiance as one of their primary goals.

And . . . speaking for reasons to vote one way, or another, judge what is going on right now.

This summer we saw the Supreme Court reverse the country’s laws that allowed women the opportunity to have an abortion if they choose too. Since that time there has been at least 207 attacks on Catholic churches in the United States. There has also been at least 65 attacks on pregnancy centers across the states. (All of which are not operated by Planned Parenthood.)

As far as we know, there has been no effort by the federal, or state, governmental law enforcement agencies looking into who committed these crimes. It is not unlike the federal government doing absolutely nothing to protect our southern border from illegal immigration, allowing millions of people to basically ‘invade’ our country.

These are Democrats currently charged with operating our government.

Why would I want to vote for them again . . . isn’t the definition of crazy “doing the same thing over again and expect different results?”

Our current Democratic president, and all his people, seem very un-capable of doing what is right.


Enjoy the Husker’s football victories . . . and pray for more while you consider the following:

“Blessed is he who has learned to admire, but not envy . . .

To follow, but not imitate . . .

To praise, but not flatter . . .

To lead, but not manipulate.”

(From William Arthur Ward)



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