Love my crazy life

I left a window open and woke up in a chilly house; it was a brisk 53º downstairs. No wonder I’m still feeling under the weather; this time of year always gets me. With harvest starting, my sinuses will surely be full through the new year.

I got a surprise visit from my oldest last night. It was so unexpected and wonderful. I found it funny that he popped in for dinner and washed a load of clothes like a normal kid. That’s never happened before. I miss him so much; he is only a couple of hours away, but it is still hard to get a visit between his schedule and ours. I’m not looking forward to his new duty station next year. His orders, as of now, are for the east coast.

Jacob, well, no news is good news. I am really starting to hate that phrase; this military crap will be my death. I did get a money order in the mail for his insurance with a Post-It that says, “Will send more soon, luv u!” At least I know he is alive. If your kid is joining the military, I highly suggest the army! They get more liberties, like actually calling home during basic training. I understand why they don’t, but my mom heart doesn’t like it.

Our garage sale went alright, it was slow, but we sold a few things and donated the rest. It was so nice having a place to take the “extra” to once the sale was over. The community club did a wonderful job with this cleanup. Things are looking a bit more prim and proper, as they should. Maybe next year, they will help get the cedars down in my yard, although I hope we get that done before then.

My walnut trees have done really well this year. I am hoping to find a couple of screens and save a few. My Grandpa used to give us kids a quarter a bucket if we would pick them up. He spent a good part of the winter busting those blasted things up. I never thought I would even be considering it. Yet here I am.

Well, here’s to a safe and fruitful harvest for all. X’s & O’s


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