Rock Hills BOE approve 2022-23 budget

The USD 107 Board of Education met on Sept. 12. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Bobi Fogo, Wayne Frost, Rex Boley (Zoom) and Janet Higer.

The only item on the agenda for this meeting was the 22/23 budget hearing.

Mr. Boley reviewed the budget information and recommended the board approve the budget as presented as well as the resolution to adopt the LOB Percentage.

The board unanimouslyapproved the resolution .

Mr. Boley reviewed the revenue neutral information and recommended the board make a formal motion to approve Resolution No. 2023-0008.

The board approved to adopt resolution on a split vote.

Voting yes were Bobi Fogo, Kenny Mizner, Marc Grout and Brandon Hollerich. Voting no were Brenden Wirth and Wayne Frost.


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