
Did you notice last week end? The Cornhuskers won a football game.

We had to pay more than $500,000 to get a team into Lincoln that we thought we could beat. We did, but just not in the manner many hoped for.

I think it’s time.


Look how far we’ve come.

Many people these days can’t remember those days before technology events connect us to the world. Even before radios and TV’s took control of our lives. And certainly before all the computers and phone became such an important part of many people’s lives.

You can argue the positive or negative influence technology has on our lives . . . forever.

However, I had to chuckle last week upon reading a headline in the Hastings Tribune. It went: “Disconnect to reconnect.”

It seems Hastings College is providing a college class to help students “disconnect” from all the social technology available today.

I understand that many of these technology devices can be addictive, but I never thought we’d need a college education to learn how to turn the power off, or flip the switch off.

I was wrong.


OK folks, we are now about two months short of the 2022 elections. I am amused that a number of people don’t put any importance to what they call an “Off-Year” election. Some people don’t think these years are important because we don’t elect a president in these years.

However, it seems that attitude is slowly changing and people are realizing just how important all election are.

What I want to do this week is answer some people’s questions of just why I seem to favor more conservative concepts and ideas that seem to have more Republican politicians support than the more liberal concepts and ideas that have more Democratic politicians’ support.

There are no presidential candidates on the ballot this year, but they still play an important part of the elections.

What follows are a few of the major item that came to mind this week. It is by no means complete, just some of the obvious things I consider before I will vote in two months.

INFLATION: I will concede that our inflation is not solely the fault of the current government. There are many reasons for it. However, the current government has done little to lessen the inflationary harm to our world. The huge amounts of ‘spending’ he is doing for other causes certainly contributes to the inflation.

GASOLINE PRICES: When the current government implemented programs that cut down on oil drilling and processing in America, gasoline prices when straight up. America went from being able to provide its own oil at a lower price, to having to beg for oil from other countries.

AFGHANISTAN: Whether you agreed with the idea of America being in Afghanistan, or not, the way the government left was disastrous. It cost us millions of dollars, thousands of lives and the respect of the rest of the world.

STUDENT LOANS: I remember paying off student loans, I remember my children paying off student loans. How does the government’s plan to exempt recent graduates from paying off their loans help anyone? Other taxpayers would have to step up and pay the loans. Those ex-students surely will feel some kind of regret of not standing up and taking care of their own responsibilities. I have no problem of the government having a program to assist students, but making a change in one that has been in place for so long is wrong. Start with something new and then live with that.

U. S. – MEXICO BORDER: In the last year and a half, how many millions of people have crossed the southern US border? Before this time it seemed there was some kind of control. Today, not so much so.

REMAKE AMERICA: The last Democratic president’s most famous line was: “we must fundamentally ‘remake’ America.” And look what the current Democratic government is trying to do:

• Change the Supreme Court from nine members to more, maybe 13 or 15. Seems to me that the nine are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

• Give statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Why ? ? ?

• Promote ‘Gender Identity’ programs in schools to children in the lower elementary grades.

LOOKING BACK: People are people, but look at the moral stance of the Clinton years . . . the National Health plan of the Obama years . . . (remember the “Cornhusker Kickback Obama used to try to buy Nebraska’s vote on the Health Care issue) . . . the failure to protect our American ambassador Christopher Stevens when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. All done by Democratic politicians and never an apology for any actions.

We are not electing a president this year, but we are electing men and women for the U. S. Congress who are supposed to pass the laws that we live with. Right now, the Democrats seem to be passing laws that are hard to live with and in fact, are doing much harm.

I seldom ‘endorse’ candidates in any election, however, please look closely at you candidates for any and all positions. Change is often needed, but make those changes long lasting, not doing so just to say a change was made.

The American system is certainly not perfect, but it is so much better than anything else in the world. The way we continue to improve our system is for all of us to go to the election polling place in about two months and vote, and vote for people who will make the changes in a reasonable manner.



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