Ag Sack Lunch Program Continues Statewide, with options

The Ag Sack Lunch Program is returning for its 13th school year in 2022-2023, continuing its offerings which include both in-person and virtual presentations designed to increase agricultural awareness among Nebraska fourth-grade students and their families.

“We are excited to continue to offer virtual presentations to schools,” said Karen Brokaw, Ag Lunch Program coordinator. “We can reach schools who do not travel to Lincoln for a field trip. Response from the virtual presentations has been positive and student engagement remained strong.”

The in-person program provides a free lunch and an ag-focused learning experience to fourth grade students who visit Lincoln each year to tour the State Capitol Building as part of their

educational curriculum. While they eat their lunches, students hear a presentation about the important role agriculture plays in Nebraska’s economy, as well as the crops and livestock species that are raised in the state. The sack lunches consist of Nebraska-produced food items to help students gain an appreciation for where their food comes from. Students also receive a deck of cards containing many agriculture facts including the games “Crazy Soybean” and “Old Corn Maid” to take home.

The virtual presentations include the same lively presentation on the importance of agriculture in Nebraska, connecting the food we eat every day with Nebraska farmers. Students also receive the fact-filled card games that feature Nebraska agriculture facts.

Registrations are now being accepted for fall and spring presentations for both virtual and in-person State Capitol visits. “It is important teachers make their reservations as soon as possible to ensure availability,” Brokaw said. Reservations can be made online at

“Over the last 12 years, the Ag Sack Lunch Program has been successful in helping fourthgrade students understand where their food comes from,” said Kelly Brunkhorst, Nebraska Corn

Board executive director. “We teach how Nebraska’s farming methods help protect the environment while ensuring food safety and animal health.”

The program is sponsored by the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Soybean Board, the Nebraska Pork Producers Association, Nebraska Beef Council, Midwest Dairy, Nebraska Poultry Industries and Nebraska Wheat Board.

For more information, call Karen Brokaw at 1.402.432.2299.


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