Country Roads

Have you ever thought of your refrigerator exterior being a large family bumper sticker or a large family scrapbook? While visiting a friend, we were seated on bar stools in her kitchen having ice tea together and catching up on all the happenings in our communities. My attention zeroed in on the collage sticking all over the front of her double door refrigerator.

As our conversation continued, I began to ask her about her photo collection on her refrigerator. She said it was her way of feeling connected to all those friends and loved ones when she sees their faces every day as she works in her kitchen. She pointed out a photo of a baby who was her great-grandson. Another was of her kids all together as children and another one more current.There were pictures of her cousins, pictures of her flowers so she can remember their beautiful blooms through the winter months. There was a photo of her parents who had died several years ago, pictures of her friends and one of those photos was of my husband and me. I felt honored to be displayed on her photo gallery. There were photos of grandchildren with their spouses. Even some of her favorite Bible verses were displayed. I noted a special photo of her late grandmother standing in her hollyhock patch she was known for.

When I got home, I noticed I too had a scrapbook of photos upon one side of my refrigerator. Though not as prominent as my friend’s, it made me think I too enjoy glancing up to view the photos as I mix up a batch of cookies or wipe off the counter. My photos are much like my friend’s, of our kids with their spouses, grandchildren, friends, cousins and “save the date” photos as reminders of upcoming weddings. There are photos that once were on Christmas cards I cut out and placed there. There is a magnet that my son gave me proclaiming, “I love you, Mom.” One photo is a childhood photo of my sisters and me playing dress up. Souvenir magnets hold up photos of trips my husband and I took, such as Magnolia Market, The Mercantile and Yellowstone’s Old Faithful. A favorite Bible verse is also among the display.

There is a favorite magnet that simple says, “Faith, Friends and Family.” Then of course is a small calendar from a bank with a magnet clip holding it on the side of the refrigerator. It reminds me of upcoming appointments and important dates.

My refrigerator collage sustains some changes and updates every year, but I find I just can’t seem to take down most of the photos and magnets that have been on display for years. My collage grows and I enjoy it.


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