Summer couples' golf league end the their season

     Friday evening the weather was pleasant in Nelson at Elk Creek County Club. It was a great way to finish up the season for the Couples’ Summer Golf league. This week golfers played a par 3. The scores ranged from 31 to 39. Royce and Brenda Schott had a low net score of only 18 and Coke and Cindy Troudt and Richard and Verlene Watson had the high gross score of 39.  Rod and Sue Burge had a 6 on No. 2 for the most over.  

Brenda Schott had the longest putt on No. 6 at 146” and Joe Harwell’s drive on No. 8 was the closest to the Green.  

Cody and Crystal Wyatt earned their 2 points once again and finished the season in first place with 18 1/2 points.

Craig German and Cindy Hewitt finished with 16 points for second place.

Tying for third place with 15 1/2 points are Richard and Verlene Watson and Jerry Bargen and Sally Uhrmacher.

Fifth place with 13 1/2 points, Joe Harwell and Jenny Simmons.

Sixth place with 13 points: Ken and Jan Rempe.

Seventh place with 11 1/2  points: Jim and Mary Farmer. 

Tying for eighth place with 10 points are, Chuck and DeAnna Tuttle and Hunter Holland and Emily Wulf.

Tenth place with 9 1/2 points, Coke and Cindy Troudt.

Eleventh place with 9 points,  Royce and Brenda Schott.

Twelfth place with 8 points, Dorrel Lipker and Carla Jeardoe.

Thirteenth place with 7 1/2 points,  Rod and Sue Burge.

Fourteenth place with 6 points,  Richard P. and Heather Watson.

The group gathered at the ‘Old Club House’ for the last time and had grilled burgers and extra sides.  

Overall, the golfers survived the hot summer days and never had to cancel a Friday evening because of bad weather or rain. Sadly, more rain could have used.  

They expect to enjoy a new  club house next summer. Demolition of the old clubhouse is to start this week.


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