School board hires personnel

Rock Hills hire personnel

President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD No. 107 to order Monday, Aug. 8. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Marc Grout, Bobi Fogo, Justin Angleton, Brandon Hollerich, Wayne Frost, Brenden Wirth, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth and Janet Higer.

6-12 principal reported new teacher orientation was Aug. 11.

Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Walker and Ms. Langer attended a meeting at CCCC in Concordia on Friday Aug. 12 to discuss the concurrent courses that will be taught at Rock Hills during the upcoming school year.

6th Grade Orientation was at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, for the 6th grade students and their parents.

Fall sports pictures will be taken on Aug. 24.

Thursday Sept. 1, Jostens will be at the junior-senior high school to meet with sophomores about class rings and seniors about graduation items.

Dental screenings will be conducted on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

The Pre-K-5 principal said Jumpstart had an average of 37 students attending. There were themes of agriculture, water and camping. Students visited the Jewell County Museum, Lovewell Lake and the swimming pool to celebrate learning and get new skills too.

The superintendent reported the NCKC4 superintendents met with NCK Tech vice president and discussed the high school programs. The only program they are waiting on confirmation is the diesel program.

Jewell County Strong is a non - profit organization. They are interested in acquiring property from the district to build a community fitness center and retirement housing.

The high school will be offering two ZOOM type format Spanish class through Smoky Hill Service Center this school year.

The district received a Safe and Secure Schools Grant from KSDE in the amount of $7,000. The superintendent is working with KDHE to finalize the 2022-2023 grant. This will supply free home COVID test kits to students and staff and some electrical signage for both buildings.

Supt. Boley contacted the state fire marshall’s office and received documents to start the application process for the daycare house. With this application, the district has to submit detail drawings of the house, all levels and describe all uses of the building. HTK will put together the documents needed for the State Fire Marshall.

Boley talked with the board about the precision measurement curriculum and lab from Snap-on and the data analytics curriculum-equipment-support from Trane. The board approved the requested curriculum as presented, to be paid for out of Esser III funds.

The board accepted the resignations of Tycen Higer as 4th grade para and Michelle Morain as elementary student support specialist.

The board approved hiring Kaylyn Spiess as a long-term sub, contingent on passing a background check and receiving the appropriate licensure from the Kansas Department of Education.

Katie Gurka was approved as a halftime yellow bus driver with no benefits.

The board approved the following supplemental positions for the 22/23 school year: School Scholars Bowl - Chris Rhea; Class sponsor - Daisy Tucker; and cheer - Jessica Barnes.

The next special board meeting will be the revenue neutral hearing set for 12:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 12, and the budget hearing at 12:45 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be at 1 p.m., Monday, Sept. 12. All meetings will be in the board room of the district office at 109 E. Main Street, Mankato .


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