Sandra Wick receives national honors at the 2022 NACAA

Wick part of a team as a National Communications Award winner

Sandra L. Wick, K-State Research and Extension, Post Rock District, crop production agent was recently recognized, along with her KSU NW Extension Agriculture Agent team, as a National Finalist at the 2022 National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) Annual meeting and Professional Improvement Conference in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Wick, along with her Ag Agent co-worker team, was recognized as a national finalist in the NACAA Communications program in the "Event Promotional Package" category with their "NW Crop Talk" webinar series that was hosted in February and March 2022.

The Communications Awards program is conducted by the NACAA to recognize outstanding work in 13 different methods of communications. Recipients of these awards are among the top communicators in the cooperative extension service in the United States.


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