Construction of park memorial receives go-ahead

Monday evening the Superior City Council cleared the way and work will soon begin to construct a memorial in Lincoln Park to two of the people who lost their lives in tragic shooting episode during last fall’s harvest at the Agrex elevator.

The memorial will honor the lives of Sandy Nelson and Darin Koepke. Kelli Koepke and Kendall Nelson along with family members and an Agrex employee outlined the plan when the council met.

Kelli said Lincoln Park was a special place for both families. Sandy often ate her lunch in the park and the Koepke’s liked driving through the park when they visited Superior. Sandy’s uncle, John Montgomery was a former park caretaker and his family lived in the caretaker’s home. The two families expressed appreciation for the outpouring of support shown by the community residents following the tragic event which took the lives of Sandy and Darin.

The memorial will feature a water fall fountain, plantings and benches. It will be lighted at night and will serve as a quiet place where park visitors may reflect.

The park board previously approved a location for the memorial near the park maintenance building and between the playground equipment and a shelter house.

Mrs. Koepke said they are working with a landscaper to design a low maintenance addition to the park. She said algae growth will not be a problem for the fountain. All installation expenses will be paid by the families as a way of thanking the community for the overwhelming support. It is the goal of the donors that maintaining the memorial will not become a burden to the city.

The families would like to have the memorial completed and ready for a dedication service prior to the first anniversary of the tragedy.

In other action, the council approved advertising to fill two vacancies within the city crew and hired a billing clerk.

The council approved hiring Beth Wilkes as billing clerk. She is currently serving as the Formoso city clerk as well as working for the U.S. Postal Service. Previously she was the utility billing manager for Tyler, Texas, and the support service administrator to that city’s police department.

Levi Smidt left the three-member street department on July 25. The city is now advertising for a full-time replacement.

Zack Breckenhauer left the city’s electrical department on Aug. 8. With major projects planned for the next two years, the city would like to maintain a 4-person line crew and is now advertising for a replacement.

It was reported Zeth Payton, who became a member of the city’s natural gas crew on April 18, had completed his natural gas operator’s training.

Approval was given to use ARPA Funding to purchase additional hand-held radio equipment for the volunteer fire and ambulance departments. The equipment supplied by Pierce Electronics of Mankato will cost $11,442.50. Delivery is expected in the spring.


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